
(Источник: «Англо-русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд-во ВНИРО, 1995 г.)


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Смотреть что такое "locus-specific" в других словарях:

  • Locus of control — is a term in psychology which refers to a person s belief about what causes the good or bad results in their life, either in general or in a specific area such as health or academics. It can either be internal (meaning the person believes that… …   Wikipedia

  • Locus control region — Locus control regions (LCR) are defined by their ability to enhance the expression of linked genes to physiological levels in a tissue specific and copy number dependent manner at ectopic chromatin sites. The concept that developmental and cell… …   Wikipedia

  • locus — Specific place where something is located or occurs. It may refer to a specific place on the body (such as an acupuncture point) or the place on a chromosome where a specific gene is found …   English dictionary of cancer terms

  • Locus coeruleus — Brain: Locus coeruleus Rhomboid fossa. (Locus coeruleus not labeled, but is very near [just lateral to] colliculus facialis, which is labeled at center left.) …   Wikipedia

  • Locus ceruleus — Infobox Brain Name = Locus ceruleus Latin = locus caeruleus GraySubject = 187 GrayPage = 778 Caption = Rhomboid fossa. (Locus ceruleus not labeled, but region is very near colliculus facialis, which is labeled at center left.) Caption2 = IsPartOf …   Wikipedia

  • Locus (genetics) — Short and long arms Chromosome components: (1) Chromatid (2) Centromere (3) Short (p) arm (4) Long (q) arm …   Wikipedia

  • Locus — The place, in Latin.. In genetics, a locus is the place a gene occupies on a chromosome. One locus, two loci. * * * 1. A place; usually, a specific site. 2. The position that a gene occupies on a chromosome. 3. The position of a point, as defined …   Medical dictionary

  • locus of infection — noun the specific site in the body where an infection originates • Hypernyms: ↑site, ↑situation …   Useful english dictionary

  • Quantitative trait locus — See also: Epistasis Quantitative traits refer to phenotypes (characteristics) that vary in degree and can be attributed to polygenic effects, i.e., product of two or more genes, and their environment. Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) are stretches… …   Wikipedia

  • Site-specific recombinase technology — Site specific recombinase (SSR) technology allows for the manipulation of genetic material in order to explore gene function. The success of the Human Genome Project has made recombinant DNA technology an inevitable next step in molecular biology …   Wikipedia

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