- late effect
- late effect.См. поздний эффект.(Источник: «Англо-русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд-во ВНИРО, 1995 г.)
Late effect — In medicine, a late effect is a condition that appears after the acute phase of an earlier, causal condition has run its course. A late effect can be caused directly by the earlier condition, or indirectly by the treatment for the earlier… … Wikipedia
Late Registration — Studio album by Kanye West Released August 30, 2005 … Wikipedia
Late Show with David Letterman — Format Talk show Variety show Created by David Lette … Wikipedia
Late Modernism — encompasses the overall production of most recent art made between the aftermath of World War II and the early years of the 21st century. The terminology often points to similarities between late modernism and post modernism although there are… … Wikipedia
Late Night Line-Up — was a pioneering British television discussion programme broadcast on BBC2 between 1964 and 1972. Late Night Line Up returned for a special one off edition on BBC Parliament in 2008.BackgroundFrom its launch in April 1964, BBC2 began each evening … Wikipedia
Late Middle Japanese — 中世日本語 Spoken in Japan Extinct Evolved into Modern Japanese in the 17th century Language family Japonic … Wikipedia
Late (rapper) — Late is an underground rapper from Wolverhampton. He is a co founder of Wolftown Recordings and a member of the rap groups Villains and Wolftown Committee. He has collaborated with numerous acts worldwide, including Chamillionaire. Discography… … Wikipedia
Late medieval philosophy, 1350–1500 — Zénon Kaluza INTRODUCTION No fact in philosophical or other history underlies the commonlymade division of fourteenth century philosophy around the year 1350, except perhaps the Black Death of 1348–9, which overcame the Oxford masters and… … History of philosophy
Late Victorian Holocausts — Late Victorian Holocausts: El Niño Famines and the Making of the Third World is a book by Mike Davis concerning the connection between global climate patterns and political economy, particularly the meteorological phenomenon called El Niño… … Wikipedia
effect — (n.) late 14c., a result, from O.Fr. efet (13c., Mod.Fr. effet) result, execution, completion, ending, from L. effectus accomplishment, performance, from pp. stem of efficere work out, accomplish, from ex out (see EX (Cf. ex )) + facere to do… … Etymology dictionary