- L strand
- L strand.= light strand (см.).(Источник: «Англо-русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд-во ВНИРО, 1995 г.)
Strand, Western Cape — Strand (Afrikaans for beach ) is a seaside resort town situated on the eastern edge of False Bay and at the foot of the Hottentots Holland Mountains. Its geographical position is just between Macassar and Gordon s Bay, and is about 50 km… … Wikipedia
Strand School — Motto Advance Established 1893 Closed 1977 Type … Wikipedia
Strand-Gerste — (Hordeum marinum) Systematik Ordnung: Süßgrasartige (Poales) Familie … Deutsch Wikipedia
Strand (Begriffsklärung) — Strand bezeichnet: Strand, einen flachen Küstenstreifen aus Sand oder Geröll Strand (Insel), eine versunkene Insel im Wattenmeer Strand, einen Ortsteil von Struppen im Landkreis Sächsische Schweiz Osterzgebirge in Sachsen Strand (London), eine… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Strand Magazine — The Strand Magazine ( titre complet original ) est un mensuel anglais de nouvelles romanesques et d articles de presse généralistes fondé par Georges Newnes et publié de Janvier 1891 à Mars 1950 à raison de 711 numéros. C est la publication des… … Wikipédia en Français
Strand-Melde — (Atriplex littoralis) Systematik Ordnung: Nelkenartige (Caryophyllales) Familie … Deutsch Wikipedia
Strand (Rogaland) — Strand Escudo … Wikipedia Español
Strand-on-the-Green — is an area of Chiswick in west London.Location and descriptionStrand on the Green is located immediately to the east of Kew Bridge, along the north bank of the river Thames. The name includes the first part of the road east of Kew Bridge, its… … Wikipedia
Strand-Sode — (Suaeda maritima) Systematik Ordnung: Nelkenartige (Caryophyllales) Familie … Deutsch Wikipedia
Strand jack — Strand jacks (also known as strandjacks) are jacks used to lift very heavy loads for construction and engineering purposes. Capable of lifting loads of over 400 tons, strand jacks were invented in the 1970s.Fact|date=March 2008The strandjack… … Wikipedia
Strand-Dreizack — (Triglochin maritima) Systematik Klasse: Bedecktsamer (Magnoliopsida) Monokotyledo … Deutsch Wikipedia