- intercalate
- intercalate.См. интеркалят.(Источник: «Англо-русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд-во ВНИРО, 1995 г.)
Intercalate — In*ter ca*late, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Intercalated}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Intercalating}.] [L. intercalatus, p. p. of intercalare to intercalate to intercalate; inter between + calare to call, proclaim. See {Calendar}.] [1913 Webster] 1. (Chron.) To… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
intercalate — index enter (insert), interject, interpose Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
intercalate — (v.) to insert a day into the calendar, 1610s, from L. intercalatus, pp. of intercalare to proclaim the insertion of an intercalary day, from inter between (see INTER (Cf. inter )) + calare (see CALENDAR (Cf. calendar)). Related: Intercalated;… … Etymology dictionary
intercalate — interpolate, insert, introduce, interpose, inteiject, insinuate … New Dictionary of Synonyms
intercalate — [in tʉr′kə lāt΄] vt. intercalated, intercalating [< L intercalatus, pp. of intercalare, to insert < inter , between + calare, to call, proclaim: for IE base see CLAMOR] 1. to insert (a day, month, etc.) in the calendar 2. to interpolate or… … English World dictionary
intercalate — in•ter•ca•late [[t]ɪnˈtɜr kəˌleɪt[/t]] v. t. lat•ed, lat•ing 1) to interpolate or insert; interpose 2) hor to insert (an extra day, month, etc.) in the calendar • Etymology: 1605–15; < L intercalāre to intercalate a day or month = inter… … From formal English to slang
intercalate — interkaliatas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Junginys, susidaręs dėl interkaliacijos. atitikmenys: angl. intercalate rus. интеркалят … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
intercalate — To insert; to insert or intercalate a month or a day in the calendar … Ballentine's law dictionary
intercalate — transitive verb ( lated; lating) Etymology: Latin intercalatus, past participle of intercalare, from inter + calare to proclaim, call more at low Date: 1603 1. to insert (as a day) in a calendar 2. to insert between or among existing elements or… … New Collegiate Dictionary
intercalate — intercalative, adj. /in terr keuh layt /, v.t., intercalated, intercalating. 1. to interpolate; interpose. 2. to insert (an extra day, month, etc.) in the calendar. [1605 15; < L intercalatus ptp. of intercalare to insert a day or month into the… … Universalium