- inoculum
- inoculum.См. инокулят.(Источник: «Англо-русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд-во ВНИРО, 1995 г.)
inoculum — [ inɔkylɔm ] n. m. • mil. XXe; lat. mod., de inoculare → inoculer ♦ Biol. Substance inoculée ou destinée à une inoculation. Des inoculums bactériens. inoculum [inɔkylɔm] n. m. ÉTYM. Mil. XXe; lat. mod., de inoculare. → Inoculer. ❖ ♦ Didact. (biol … Encyclopédie Universelle
Inoculum — In*oc u*lum, n. (Microbiology) The preparation of microorganisms which is inoculated[5] into a growth medium; as, a small inoculum may not work well for the production phase of a fermentation. [PJC] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
inoculum — or inoculant [i näk′yo͞o ləm, i näk′yələm] n. [ModL] material used in an inoculation, as bacteria; inoculant … English World dictionary
inoculum — pl inocula 1. A small piece of tissue cut from callus, or an explant from a tissue or organ, or a small amount of cell material from a suspension culture, transferred into fresh medium for continued growth of the culture. See: minimum inoculum… … Glossary of Biotechnology
inoculum — noun (plural inocula) Etymology: New Latin, from Latin inoculare Date: 1902 material used for inoculation … New Collegiate Dictionary
Inoculum — Als Inokulum wird in der Medizin das infektiöse Material bzw. ein als Antigen wirkender Teil eines Erregers bezeichnet. Es kann sich dabei zum Beispiel um Viruspartikel, Bakterienzellen oder Pilzsporen handeln. In der Biotechnologie versteht man… … Deutsch Wikipedia
inoculum — Cells added to start a culture or, in the case of viruses, viruses added to infect a culture of cells. Also for biological material injected into a human to induce immunity (a vaccine) … Dictionary of molecular biology
inoculum — /i nok yeuh leuhm/, n., pl. inocula / leuh/. the substance used to make an inoculation. [1900 05; < NL, equiv. to inocul(are) to INOCULATE + um n. suffix] * * * … Universalium
inoculum — noun The active material used in an inoculation; an inoculant … Wiktionary
inoculum — The microorganism or other material introduced by inoculation. * * * in·oc·u·lum in äk yə ləm n, pl la lə material used for inoculation * * * n. any material that is used for inoculation. * * * in·oc·u·lum (ĭ nokґu ləm) pl. inocґula… … Medical dictionary