- individual variation
- individual variation.(Источник: «Англо-русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд-во ВНИРО, 1995 г.)
Variation and Evolution in Plants — written by G. Ledyard Stebbins. was published in 1950; it is one of the key publications embodying the modern evolutionary synthesis, as the first comprehensive publication to discuss the relationship between genetics and natural selection in pl … Wikipedia
variation — var‧i‧a‧tion [ˌveəriˈeɪʆn ǁ ˌver ] noun [countable, uncountable] a difference or change in the normal amount or appearance of something: • Labor figures in both reports are adjusted for seasonal variation (= variation that depends on the time of … Financial and business terms
Individual and political action on climate change — can take many forms, most of which have the ultimate goal of limiting and/or reducing the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, toward avoiding dangerous climate change. Contents 1 Political action 2 Protest movements 3 … Wikipedia
variation — (statistical) The greater part of empirical research is concerned with the characteristics of groups, or aggregate social entities, rather than individual cases; that is, with men or women in general, rather than any particular man or woman. A… … Dictionary of sociology
variation (statistical) — The greater part of empirical research is concerned with the characteristics of groups, or aggregate social entities, rather than individual cases; that is, with men or women in general, rather than any particular man or woman. A range of… … Dictionary of sociology
variation — variational, variative /vair ee ay tiv/, adj. variationally, variatively, adv. /vair ee ay sheuhn/, n. 1. the act, process, or accident of varying in condition, character, or degree: Prices are subject to variation. 2. an instance of this: There… … Universalium
variation */*/*/ — UK [ˌveərɪˈeɪʃ(ə)n] / US [ˌverɪˈeɪʃ(ə)n] noun Word forms variation : singular variation plural variations 1) a) [singular/uncountable] the existence of differences in amount, number, level, form etc wide/considerable variation: There is… … English dictionary
variation — var|i|a|tion [ ,veri eıʃn ] noun *** 1. ) singular or uncount the existence of differences in amount, number, level, form, etc.: wide/considerable variation: There is considerable variation in size, method of construction, and design. It s an… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Individual and group rights — Rights Theoretical distinctions Natural and legal rights Claim rights and liberty rights Negative and positive rights Indivi … Wikipedia
Individual differences psychology — The science of psychology studies people at three levels of focus captured by the well known quotation: “Every man is in certain respects (a) like all other men, (b) like some other men, (c) like no other man (Murray, H.A. C. Kluckhohn, 1953).… … Wikipedia