- accessory nuclei
- accessory nuclei.См. добавочное ядро.(Источник: «Англо-русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд-во ВНИРО, 1995 г.)
accessory oculomotor nuclei — accessory nuclei of oculomotor nerve nuclei accessorii nervi oculomotorii … Medical dictionary
nuclei accessorii nervi oculomotorii — [TA] accessory nuclei of oculomotor nerve: a collection of small cells located dorsal to the upper part of the somatic groups of the oculomotor nuclear complex, comprising the parasympathetic outflow via the ciliary ganglion to the ciliary muscle … Medical dictionary
Accessory nerve — Nerve: Accessory nerve Plan of upper portions of glossopharyngeal, vagus, and accessory nerves … Wikipedia
Cochlear nuclei — Brain: Cochlear nuclei Dissection of brain stem. Dorsal view. ( Cochlear nucleus is labeled on left, fifth from the bottom.) … Wikipedia
Vestibular nuclei — Brain: Vestibular nuclei Dissection of brain stem. Dorsal view. (Caption for Vestibular nucleus is visible at left.) Latin nuclei vestibulares Gray s … Wikipedia
Spinal accessory nucleus — Infobox Brain Name = Spinal accessory nucleus Latin = nervus spinalis nervi accessorii GraySubject = GrayPage = Caption = The cranial nerve nuclei schematically represented; dorsal view. Motor nuclei in red; sensory in blue. (Spinal accessory… … Wikipedia
Trigeminal nerve nuclei — Brain: Trigeminal nerve nuclei The cranial nerve nuclei schematically represented; dorsal view. Motor nuclei in red; sensory in blue. (Trigeminal nerve nuclei are at V .) Latin nuclei trigemini Gray s … Wikipedia
Cranial root of accessory nerves — Nerve: Cranial root of accessory nerves Brain stem sagittal section (11 visible near bottom center. Note how in this diagram, root derives entirely from spinal portion, and ascends to cranium.) … Wikipedia
Cloud condensation nuclei — Aerosol pollution over Northern India and Bangladesh NASA Cloud condensation nuclei or CCNs (also known as cloud seeds) are small particles typically 0.2 µm, or 1/100 th the size of a cloud droplet [1]) about which cloud droplets coalesce. Water… … Wikipedia
добавочное ядро — accessory nuclei добавочное ядро. Небольшое тельце, обнаруживаемое в ооцитах некоторых насекомых и имеющее двойную мембрану; Д.я. отшнуровываются от основного ядра и могут размножаться путем прямого деления <amitosis>. (Источник: «Англо… … Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.