- implant
- implant.См. имплантат.(Источник: «Англо-русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд-во ВНИРО, 1995 г.)
implant — [ ɛ̃plɑ̃ ] n. m. • 1932; de implanter ♦ Méd. Comprimé d hormone (⇒ pellet), fragment de tissu, prothèse ou substance radioactive qu on introduit sous la peau ou dans un autre tissu à des fins thérapeutiques. Implant sous cutané. Implants de… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Implant — can refer to: *Alien implants *Brain implant *Breast implant *Cochlear implant *Dental implant *Extraocular implant *Fetal tissue implant *Harrington implant *Implant (medicine) *Implant (Scientology) * Implant, The *Implantation *Microchip… … Wikipedia
Implant — Жанр Electronic, electro industrial, Synthpop Годы С 1992 Страна … Википедия
implant — IMPLÁNT, implanturi, s.n. (med.) Organ sau ţesut care se implantează. – Din fr. implant. Trimis de gall, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 implánt s. n., pl. implánturi Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic IMPLÁNT implanturi … Dicționar Român
implant — implant, inculcate, instill are comparable when they mean to introduce into the mind. Implant usually implies teaching, and it stresses the fixedness or permanency of what has been taught {the teacher, the parent, or the friend can often do much… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Implant — Im*plant v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Implanted}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Implanting}.] [Pref. im in + plant: cf. F. implanter.] To plant, or infix, for the purpose of growth; to fix deeply; to instill; to inculate; to introduce; as, to implant the seeds of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
implant — [im plant′; ] for n. [ im′plant΄] vt. [Fr implanter: see IN 1 & PLANT] 1. to plant firmly or deeply; embed 2. to fix firmly in the mind; instill; inculcate 3. Med. Dentistry to insert (a substance, organ, or piece of living tissue) within the… … English World dictionary
implant — index educate, embed, enter (insert), fix (make firm), imbue, inculcate, infuse … Law dictionary
implant — {{/stl 13}}{{stl 8}}rz. mnż I, D. u, Mc. implantncie {{/stl 8}}{{stl 7}} fragment tkanki lub narządu, także obce ciało wszczepione do organizmu : {{/stl 7}}{{stl 10}}Implanty hormonalne można w każdej chwili usunąć. (P) {{/stl 10}} … Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień
implant — ► VERB 1) insert or fix (tissue or an artificial object) into the body. 2) establish (an idea) in the mind. ► NOUN ▪ a thing implanted. DERIVATIVES implantation noun. ORIGIN Latin implantare engraft … English terms dictionary