immobilized enzymes

immobilized enzymes
immobilized enzymes.
(Источник: «Англо-русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд-во ВНИРО, 1995 г.)


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Смотреть что такое "immobilized enzymes" в других словарях:

  • Immobilized enzyme — An immobilized enzyme (American spelling) or immobilised enzyme (English spelling) is an enzyme which is attached to an inert, insoluble material such as sodium alginate. This can provide increased resistance to changes in conditions such as pH… …   Wikipedia

  • Immobilized whole cell — Whole Cell Immobilization= The immobilized whole cell system is an alternative to enzyme immobilization. Unlike enzyme immobilization, where the enzyme is attached to a substrate (such as calcium alginate), in immobilized whole cell systems, the… …   Wikipedia

  • иммобилизованные ферменты — immobilized enzymes иммобилизованные ферменты. Активные ферменты, ковалентно связанные с полимерным носителем, характеризуются повышенной устойчивостью к денатурирующим воздействиям и часто используются в биотехнологии. (Источник: «Англо русский… …   Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.

  • Cross-linked enzyme aggregate — In biochemistry, a cross linked enzyme aggregate is an immobilized enzyme prepared via crosslinking. They can be used as stereoselective industrial biocatalysts. Contents 1 Background 2 Immobilisation 3 Cross Linked Enzyme Aggregates (CLEAs) …   Wikipedia

  • MAGIChip — MAGIChips, also known as Microarrays of Gel immobilized Compounds on a chip or Three dimensional DNA Microarrays are devices for molecular hybridization produced by immobilizing oligonucleotides, DNA, enzymes, antibodies, and other compounds on a …   Wikipedia

  • Nanotechnology in water treatment — Nanotechnology, the engineering and art of manipulating matter at the nanoscale (1 100 nm), offers the potential of novel nanomaterials for the treatment of surface water, groundwater and wastewater contaminated by toxic metal ions, organic… …   Wikipedia

  • Robert B Mellor — Robert B. Mellor PhD DSc (b 1955, Huddersfield) Research and Theories In biology Robert Mellor is probably best remembered for his unified vacuole theory which states that in endosymbioses [] generally, the… …   Wikipedia

  • List of Israelis — This is a list of prominent Israelis (including Arab citizens of Israel).Historical figuresPoliticians* Chaim Weizmann first President of Israel (1949 52) * David Ben Gurion first Prime Minister of Israel (1948 54, 1955 63) * Moshe Sharett prime… …   Wikipedia

  • ФЕРМЕНТСОДЕРЖАЩИЕ ВОЛОКНА — (волокна биокатализаторы), получают путем иммобилизации ферментов на разл. волокнах и материалах на их основе (тканях, нетканых материалах и др.); обладают высокой каталитич. активностью и селективностью в биохим. р циях. В качестве носителей… …   Химическая энциклопедия

  • Klaus Mosbach — Born 1932,Leipzig,Germany [1]. Citizenship Swedish [2]. Field Biochemistry [3]. Institution Lund University,Sweden [4] …   Wikipedia

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