- hydrazine
- hydrazine.См. диамид.(Источник: «Англо-русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд-во ВНИРО, 1995 г.)
Hydrazine — Dimensions et modèle 3D de l hydrazine Général … Wikipédia en Français
hydrazine — [ idrazin ] n. f. • 1890; de hydr(o) et az(ote) ♦ Chim. Base liquide corrosive (H2N NH2) formée d hydrogène et d azote, utilisée comme combustible dans les fusées. ● hydrazine nom féminin Combinaison H2N―NH2 de l azote et de l hydrogène. Composé… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Hydrazine — Hy dra*zine, n. [Hydr + azo + ine.] (Chem.) Any one of a series of nitrogenous bases, resembling the amines and produced by the reduction of certain nitroso and diazo compounds; as, methyl hydrazine, phenyl hydrazine, etc. They are derivatives of … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Hydrazīne — Hydrazīne, organische Basen, die sich vom Hydrazin H2N NH2 ableiten, im Molekül 2 Stickstoffatome enthalten, leicht oxydierbar sind und Fehlingsche Kupferlösung reduzieren. Man kennt primäre H., bei denen in einer Amidogruppe 1 Atom Wasserstoff,… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Hydrazine — sulfate, an alternative medicine that has been claimed to be a treatment for cancer. It has been used as a first line agent in cancer therapy and as a treatment for cancer related anorexia (loss of appetite) and cachexia (loss of muscle mass and… … Medical dictionary
hydrazine — [hī′drə zēn΄, hī′drəzin] n. [ HYDR(O) + AZINE] a colorless, corrosive, liquid base, H2NNH2, used as a jet and rocket fuel, a reducing agent, antioxidant, etc … English World dictionary
Hydrazine — For the antidepressant, see Hydrazine (antidepressant). Hydrazine … Wikipedia
hydrazine — /huy dreuh zeen /, n. 1. Also called diamine. a colorless, oily, fuming liquid, N2H4, that is a weak base in solution and forms a large number of salts resembling ammonium salts: used chiefly as a reducing agent and a jet propulsion fuel. 2. a… … Universalium
hydrazine — /ˈhaɪdrəzin/ (say huydruhzeen), / zaɪn/ (say zuyn) noun 1. a compound, N2H4, which is a weak base in solution and forms a large number of salts resembling ammonium salts, used as a reducing agent and as a jet propulsion fuel. 2. any of a class of …
Hydrazine sulfate — IUPAC name Hydrazinium hydrogen sulfate … Wikipedia