- hybridoma
- hybridoma.См. гибридома.(Источник: «Англо-русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд-во ВНИРО, 1995 г.)
Hybridoma — are cells that have been engineered to produce a desired antibody in large amounts. To produce monoclonal antibodies, B cells are removed from the spleen of an animal that has been challenged with the relevant antigen. These B cells are then… … Wikipedia
hybridoma — [hī΄bri dō′mə] n. [ HYBRID + (MYEL)OMA] a tissue culture consisting of cancer cells fused to lymphocytes to mass produce a specific antibody … English World dictionary
Hybridoma — A cell hybrid resulting from the fusion of a cancer cell and a normal lymphocyte (a type of white blood cell). The hybridoma is immortal in the laboratory and makes the same products as its parent cells forever. * * * A tumor of hybrid cells used … Medical dictionary
Hybridoma — Abb.1: (1) Immunisation einer Maus; (2) Isolation von B Zellen aus der Milz; (3) Kultivierung von Myelomazellen; (4) Fusionierung von B und Myelomzelle; (5) Selektion und Screening geeigneter Zelllinien; (6) Weiterverarbeitung bzw. Aufbewahrung… … Deutsch Wikipedia
hybridoma — noun Date: 1978 a hybrid cell produced by the fusion of an antibody producing lymphocyte with a tumor cell and used to culture continuously a specific monoclonal antibody … New Collegiate Dictionary
hybridoma — (hi brī do mah) A fast growing cell line produced by fusing a cancer cell (myeloma) to another cell, such as an antibody producing cell … Dictionary of microbiology
hybridoma — A cell hybrid in which a tumour cell forms one of the original source cells. In practice, confined to hybrids between T or B lymphocytes and appropriate myeloma cell lines … Dictionary of molecular biology
hybridoma — /huy bri doh meuh/, n., pl. hybridomas. Biotech. a hybrid cell made in the laboratory by fusing a normal cell with a cancer cell, usu. a myeloma or lymphoma, in order to combine desired features of each, as the ability of the cancer cell to… … Universalium
hybridoma — noun A hybrid cell engineered from a lymphocyte and a tumour cell; used to generate monoclonal antibodies … Wiktionary
hybridoma — hy·bri·do·ma … English syllables