- homeotic mutations
- homeotic mutations.См. гомеозисные мутации.(Источник: «Англо-русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд-во ВНИРО, 1995 г.)
Homeotic gene — Homeotic genes specify the anterior posterior axis and segment identity during early development of metazoan organisms. They are critical for the proper placement and number of embryonic segment structures (such as legs, antennae and eyes).The… … Wikipedia
homeotic genes — a family of genes, first observed in Drosophila, that orchestrate the development of individual embryonic segments into specific body parts; they occur in one or more clusters, are expressed in specific patterns at particular stages in… … Medical dictionary
гомеозисные мутации — homeotic mutations гомеозисные мутации. Mутации в гомеозисных генах (см. <homeosis>), проявляющиеся в изменении характера морфогенеза, например, в замещении одних структур на другие (гомологичные) в процессе индивидуального развития; у… … Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.
Hox gene — Hox genes are a group of related genes that determine the basic structure and orientation of an organism.[1] Hox genes are critical for the proper placement of segment structures of animals during early embryonic development (e.g. legs, antennae … Wikipedia
Homeosis — is the transformation of one body part into another, arising from mutation in or misexpression of specific developmentally critical genes. It may be caused by mutations in Hox genes, found in animals, or others such as the MADS box family in… … Wikipedia
Lewis , Edward B. — (1918–) American geneticist Lewis was educated at the University of Minnesota, and at the California Institute of Technology gaining his PhD in 1942. In 1946 he joined the Cal Tech faculty, where he served as Professor of Biology from 1956 until… … Scientists
Arabidopsis thaliana — Scientific classification Kingdom: Plantae (unranked) … Wikipedia
ABC Model of Flower Development — The ABC model of flower development in angiosperms was formulated by E. Coen and Elliot Meyerowitz in 1991. [cite journal |last=Coen |first=Henrico S. |coauthors=Elliot M. Meyerowitz |year=1991 |title=The war of the whorls: Genetic interactions… … Wikipedia
Double-flowered — A double flower variety of impatiens. Double flowered describes varieties of flowers with extra petals, often containing flowers within flowers.[1][2] … Wikipedia
β-глюкуронидаза — * β глюкуранідаза * β glucuronidase or gUS бактериальный фермент, катализирующий гидролиз различных β глюкуронидов, среди которых имеются синтетические субстраты, как, напр., нитрофенил глюкуронид (), 4 метилумбеллиферил глюкуронид (), 5 бром 4… … Генетика. Энциклопедический словарь