- histocompatibility
- histocompatibility.См. гистосовместимость.(Источник: «Англо-русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд-во ВНИРО, 1995 г.)
Histocompatibility — is the property of having the same, or mostly the same, alleles of a set of genes called the major histocompatibility complex. These genes are expressed in most tissues as antigens, to which the immune system makes antibodies. The immune system… … Wikipedia
histocompatibility — [his΄tōkem pat΄ə bil′ə tē] n. a condition of compatibility between the tissues of a graft or transplant and the tissues of the body receiving it … English World dictionary
histocompatibility — A state of immunologic similarity (or identity) that permits successful homograft transplantation. * * * his·to·com·pat·i·bil·i·ty his (.)tō kəm .pat ə bil ət ē n, pl ties often attrib a state of mutual tolerance between tissues that allows them… … Medical dictionary
histocompatibility — noun Date: 1948 a state of mutual tolerance that allows some tissues to be grafted effectively to others compare major histocompatibility complex … New Collegiate Dictionary
histocompatibility — If tissues of two organisms are histocompatible, then grafts between the organisms will not be rejected. If, however, major histocompatibility antigens are different then an immune response will be mounted against the foreign tissue … Dictionary of molecular biology
histocompatibility — histocompatible, adj. /his toh keuhm pat euh bil i tee/, n. Immunol. the condition of having antigenic similarities such that cells or tissues transplanted from one (the donor) to another (the recipient) are not rejected. Cf. major… … Universalium
histocompatibility — n. the form of compatibility that depends upon tissue components, mainly specific glycoprotein antigens in cell membranes. A high degree of histocompatibility is necessary for a tissue graft or organ transplant to be successful. Derivatives:… … The new mediacal dictionary
histocompatibility — noun condition in which the cells of one tissue can survive in the presence of cells of another tissue a successful graft or transplant requires a high degree of histocompatibility • Hypernyms: ↑organic phenomenon … Useful english dictionary
histocompatibility antigen — n any of the polymorphic glycoprotein molecules on the surface membranes of cells that aid in the ability of the immune system to determine self from nonself, that bind to and display antigenic peptide fragments for T cell recognition, and that… … Medical dictionary
histocompatibility antigen — A set of plasmalemmal glycoproteins that are crucial for T cell recognition of antigens. Particularly the HLA system in humans and the H2 system in mice. There are two classes of histocompatibility antigens: (1) Class I; histocompatibility… … Dictionary of molecular biology