- hibernate
- hibernate.См. гибернация.(Источник: «Англо-русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд-во ВНИРО, 1995 г.)
Hibernate — Développeur Red Hat Dernière version 3.6.7 Final (17 août … Wikipédia en Français
Hibernate — Hi ber*nate, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Hibernated}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Hibernating}.] [L. hibernare, hibernatum, fr. hibernus wintry. See {Hibernal}.] To winter; to pass the season of winter in close quarters, in a torpid or lethargic state, as certain… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Hibernate — (engl. für „Winterschlaf halten“) Hibernate (Framework), steht für ein Framework im Java Umfeld ist der englische Fachbegriff für den Ruhezustand eines Computers Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung z … Deutsch Wikipedia
hibernate — (v.) 1802, probably a back formation from HIBERNATION (Cf. hibernation). Related: Hibernated; hibernating … Etymology dictionary
hibernate — [v] lie dormant; sleep through cold weather hide, hole up, immure, lie torpid, sleep, vegetate, winter; concept 315 … New thesaurus
hibernate — ► VERB ▪ (of an animal or plant) spend the winter in a dormant state. DERIVATIVES hibernation noun hibernator noun. ORIGIN Latin hibernare, from hiberna winter quarters … English terms dictionary
hibernate — [hī′bər nāt΄] vi. hibernated, hibernating [< L hibernatus, pp. of hibernare, to pass the winter < hibernus, wintry < IE * ĝheimerinos < base * ĝhei , winter, snow > L hiems, Gr cheima, Czech zima, winter] to spend the winter in a… … English World dictionary
Hibernate — Este artículo o sección sobre informática necesita ser wikificado con un formato acorde a las convenciones de estilo. Por favor, edítalo para que las cumpla. Mientras tanto, no elimines este aviso puesto el 29 de marzo de 2010. También puedes… … Wikipedia Español
Hibernate — Hibernation is a state of regulated hypothermia undergone by some animals to conserve energy during the winter.Hibernate may also refer to: * Hibernate (OS feature), the ability of some operating systems to suspend themselves completely to… … Wikipedia
Hibernate — Спящий режим операционной системы (англ. hibernate) Hibernate (библиотека) Спячка … Википедия