- heterogony
- heterogony.См. гетерогония.(Источник: «Англо-русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд-во ВНИРО, 1995 г.)
Heterogony — Het er*og o*ny, n. [Hetero + Gr. ? offspring.] (Bot.) The condition of having two or more kinds of flowers, different as to the length of their stamens and pistils. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
heterogony — [het΄ər äg′ə nē] n. [ HETERO + GONY] 1. ALTERNATION OF GENERATIONS 2. HETEROSTYLY 3. ALLOMETRY heterogonous [het΄ər äg′ənəs] adj … English World dictionary
heterogony — heterogonija statusas T sritis augalininkystė apibrėžtis Skirtingų veisimosi būdų (lytinio ar partenogenetinio) kaitaliojimasis įvairiose tos pačios organizmų rūšies kartose. atitikmenys: angl. heterogony rus. гетерогония … Žemės ūkio augalų selekcijos ir sėklininkystės terminų žodynas
heterogony — noun Date: circa 1887 1. alternation of generations; especially alternation of a dioecious with a parthenogenetic generation 2. allometry • heterogonic adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
heterogony — n. [Gr. heteros, different; gonos, seed] 1. Study of relative growth; see allometric growth. 2. Alternation of generations; see heterogamy. 3. Both males and females present in a colony … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
heterogony — /het euh rog euh nee/, n. Biol. 1. the alternation of dioecious and hermaphroditic individuals in successive generations, as in certain nematodes. 2. the alternation of parthenogenetic and sexual generations. [1865 70; HETERO + GONY] * * * … Universalium
heterogony — het·er·og·o·ny .het ə räg ə nē n, pl nies 1) ALTERNATION OF GENERATIONS esp alternation of a dioecious generation with a parthenogenetic one 2) ALLOMETRY * * * het·er·og·o·ny (het″ər ogґə ne) [hetero + Gr. gonos procreation] … Medical dictionary
heterogony — n. (Biology) condition of alternating sexual and asexual reproduction; state of hermaphroditism or alternating maleness and femaleness … English contemporary dictionary
heterogony — het·er·og·o·ny … English syllables
heterogony — het•er•og•o•ny [[t]ˌhɛt əˈrɒg ə ni[/t]] n. dvl alternation of generations … From formal English to slang