- guppy
- guppy .см. Приложение 1 (Lebistes reticulatus).(Источник: «Англо-русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд-во ВНИРО, 1995 г.)
guppy — guppy … Dictionnaire des rimes
Guppy — Guppys, oben ein ♂, unten zwei ♀ einer Wildform unbestimmter Herkunft. Systematik Unterordnung: Cyprinodontoidei … Deutsch Wikipedia
GUPPY — Submarino Clase Balao, modificado a GUPPY I A, ARA Santiago del Estero, en la Base Naval Mar del Plata Datos generales Astillero … Wikipedia Español
Guppy — se puede referir a: Poecilia reticulata, un pez tropical. Robert John Lechmere Guppy (1836 1916), naturalista británico descubridor del pez anterior. Aero Spacelines Pregnant Guppy, avión de transporte. Aero Spacelines Mini Guppy, avión de… … Wikipedia Español
guppy — [ gypi ] n. m. • mil. XXe; n. pr. ♦ Petit poisson téléostéen d eau douce (cyprinodontidés), richement coloré, qui peut s élever en aquarium. Des guppys ou des guppies. ● guppy nom masculin (de R. P. Guppy, nom propre) Petit poisson vivipare… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Guppy — , GUPPY SUBMARINE R. J. Lechmere Guppy (1836 1916), president of the Scientific Association of Trinidad, lends his name to a little tropical fish he discovered that has been the delight of children and adults alike ever since. In 1868 he… … Dictionary of eponyms
guppy — n. [Named after R. J. L. Guppy, who brought speciments to the British museum. RHUD] A small freshwater fish of South America and West Indies ({Lebistes reticulatus} or {Poecilia reticulata}, originaly called {Gerardinus guppyi}), often kept in… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
guppy — GÚPPY s. m. Mic peşte de acvariu cu coloraţie bogată şi variată, originar din America de Sud. Din fr. Guppy Trimis de blaurb, 22.03.2006. Sursa: MDN … Dicționar Român
guppy — 1925, named for R.J.L. Guppy, Trinidad clergyman who supplied the first specimen (1866) to the British Museum. The family name is from a place in Dorset. The class of streamlined U.S. submarines (1948) is an acronym from greater underwater… … Etymology dictionary
guppy — ► NOUN (pl. guppies) ▪ a small freshwater fish native to tropical America, widely kept in aquaria. ORIGIN named after the Trinidadian clergyman R. J. Lechmere Guppy (1836 1916), who sent the first specimen to the British Museum … English terms dictionary
guppy — [gup′ē] n. pl. guppies [after R. J. L. Guppy, of Trinidad, who first provided specimens for the British Museum] a small, freshwater fish (Poecilia reticulata), a livebearer native to Barbados, Trinidad, and Venezuela: it is often kept in… … English World dictionary