- glucokinase
- glucokinase.См. глюкокиназа.(Источник: «Англо-русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд-во ВНИРО, 1995 г.)
Glucokinase — (hexokinase 4) Based on PDB entry 1GLK … Wikipedia
Glucokinase — Bändermodell der menschlichen Glucokinase mit Glucose und Aktivator MRK als Kalotten, nach PD … Deutsch Wikipedia
Glucokinase — Général Synonymes EC … Wikipédia en Français
Glucokinase-Regulator — Masse/Länge Primärstruktur 624 Aminosäuren … Deutsch Wikipedia
Glucokinase regulatory protein — protein Name = caption = width = HGNCid = 4196 Symbol = GCKR AltSymbols = EntrezGene = 2646 OMIM = 600842 RefSeq = NM 001486 UniProt = Q14397 PDB = ECnumber = Chromosome = 2 Arm = p Band = 23 LocusSupplementaryData = The glucokinase regulatory… … Wikipedia
glucokinase — noun Date: 1950 a hexokinase found especially in the liver that catalyzes the phosphorylation of glucose … New Collegiate Dictionary
glucokinase — /glooh koh kuy nays, nayz/, n. Biochem. an enzyme, found in all living systems, that serves to catalyze the phosphorylation of gluconic acid. [GLUC(ONIC ACID) + O + KINASE] * * * … Universalium
glucokinase — noun A hexokinase isozyme that facilitates phosphorylation of glucose to glucose 6 phosphate, occurring in cells in the liver, pancreas, gut, and brain of humans and most other vertebrates … Wiktionary
glucokinase — Phosphotransferase that catalyzes the conversion of d glucose and ATP to d glucose 6 phosphate and ADP; the liver enzyme has a higher Km value for d glucose than does hexokinase and is not strongly inhibited by the product d glucose 6 phosphate.… … Medical dictionary
Glucokinase — Glu|co|ki|na|se [↑ Glucose u. ↑ Kinase] in der Leber aktive Phosphotransferase, die Glucose in Glucose 6 phosphat umwandelt … Universal-Lexikon