- genetic counselling
- genetic counselling.(Источник: «Англо-русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд-во ВНИРО, 1995 г.)
genetic counselling — noun Advice, based on chromosomal and amniotic fluid investigation, etc, given to prospective parents on possible heritable defects in their children • • • Main Entry: ↑genetic … Useful english dictionary
genetic counselling — the procedure by which patients and their families are given advice about the nature and consequences of inherited disorders, the possibility of becoming affected or having affected children, and the various options that are available to them for … Medical dictionary
genetic counselling — the procedure by which patients and their families are given advice about the nature and consequences of inherited disorders, the possibility of becoming affected or having affected children, and the various options that are available to them for … The new mediacal dictionary
genetic counselling — /dʒəˌnɛtɪk ˈkaʊnsəlɪŋ/ (say juh.netik kownsuhling) noun information and advice supplied to those planning to have a baby on whether they carry genes for certain inherited disorders. –genetic counsellor, noun …
counselling — (BrE) (AmE counseling) noun ADJECTIVE ▪ group, individual ▪ professional ▪ couples (esp. AmE), marital (esp. AmE), marriage (esp. AmE) … Collocations dictionary
counselling — n. 1. a method of approaching psychological difficulties in adjustment that aims to help the client work out his own problems. The counsellor listens sympathetically, attempting to identify with the client, tries to clarify current problems, and… … Medical dictionary
counselling — n. 1) a method of approaching psychological difficulties in adjustment that aims to help the client work out his own problems. The counsellor listens sympathetically, attempting to identify with the client, tries to clarify current problems, and… … The new mediacal dictionary
Консультация Генетическая (Genetic Counselling) — консультация, во время которой врач рассказывает больному и членам его семьи о природе и наличии у них возможных наследственных заболеваний, о том, какова вероятность передачи этих заболеваний детям и как можно предотвратить их развитие, а также… … Медицинские термины
genetic — adj. Genetic is used with these nouns: ↑analysis, ↑background, ↑blueprint, ↑characteristic, ↑code, ↑component, ↑counselling, ↑counsellor, ↑data, ↑defect, ↑deformity, ↑ … Collocations dictionary
genetic counseling — noun guidance for prospective parents on the likelihood of genetic disorders in their future children • Hypernyms: ↑guidance, ↑counsel, ↑counseling, ↑counselling, ↑direction … Useful english dictionary