- allosteric effector
- allosteric effector.(Источник: «Англо-русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд-во ВНИРО, 1995 г.)
allosteric effector — an enzyme inhibitor or activator that has its effect at a site other than the catalytic site of the enzyme; see also under site, and see allostery … Medical dictionary
Allosteric enzyme — Allosteric enzymes are enzymes that change their shape, or conformation, upon binding of a modulator. The word allosteric comes from the Greek allos, other and stereos , shape . An allosteric enzyme is an oligomer whose biological activity is… … Wikipedia
Allosteric regulation — In biochemistry, allosteric regulation is the regulation of an enzyme or other protein by binding an effector molecule at the protein s allosteric site (that is, a site other than the protein s active site). Effectors that enhance the protein s… … Wikipedia
effector — 1. C. Sherrington term for a peripheral tissue that receives nerve impulses and reacts by contraction (muscle), secretion (gland), or a discharge of electricity (electric organ of certain bony fishes). 2. A small … Medical dictionary
allosteric — Of a binding site in a protein, usually an enzyme. The catalytic function of an enzyme may be modified by interaction with small molecules, not only at the active site, but also at a spatially distinct (allosteric) site of different specificity.… … Dictionary of molecular biology
Effector (biology) — For use of the term in immunology, see Effector cell. An effector is a molecule (originally referring to small molecules but now encompassing any regulatory molecule, including proteins) that binds to a protein and thereby alters the activity of… … Wikipedia
allosteric activation — increase in enzyme activity by binding of an effector at an allosteric site that causes at the catalytic site either increased binding affinity of the enzyme for the substrate or increased rate of catalytic turnover … Medical dictionary
allosteric enzyme — (al o ster ik) An enzyme whose activity is altered by the binding of a small effector or modulator molecule at a regulatory site separate from the catalytic site; effector binding causes a conformational change in the enzyme and its catalytic… … Dictionary of microbiology
allosteric site — a specific site on a multi subunit enzyme that is not the substrate binding site but that when reversibly bound by an effector induces a conformational change in the enzyme, altering its catalytic properties … Medical dictionary
allosteric regulation — A catalysis regulating process in which the binding of a small effector molecule to one site on an enzyme affects the activity at another site … Glossary of Biotechnology