foundation stock

foundation stock
foundation stock.
(Источник: «Англо-русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд-во ВНИРО, 1995 г.)


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Смотреть что такое "foundation stock" в других словарях:

  • foundation stock — noun : stock directly ancestral to a herd, strain, or breed although fourteen … animals made up the foundation stock only six of these have actually made a permanent contribution to the line David England …   Useful english dictionary

  • Foundation Stock Service Program — The Foundation Stock Service (FSS) Program is a breed registry of the American Kennel Club in which breeders can record the birth and parentage of a rare breed they are working to establish in the United States. These dogs provide the foundation… …   Wikipedia

  • Foundation bloodstock — or foundation stock are horses that are the progenitor, or foundation, of a new horse breed or a given bloodline within a breed. The term is also used in a similar manner when discussing purebred dogs. A group of animals collectively may be… …   Wikipedia

  • Stock (disambiguation) — Stock can refer to:Supply and inventory the equipment, materials, or supplies of an establishment or a store or supply accumulated or available , as in: *Livestock kept on a farm, also **Foundation bloodstock, the animals used as a genetic base… …   Wikipedia

  • STOCK EXCHANGES — Jews came to the stock exchange by way of their medieval occupation of moneylending and their activity in the modern period as court jews and in banking . Soon after the founding of the first European international exchange at Antwerp (1536),… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • stock — stocklike, adj. /stok/, n. 1. a supply of goods kept on hand for sale to customers by a merchant, distributor, manufacturer, etc.; inventory. 2. a quantity of something accumulated, as for future use: a stock of provisions. 3. livestock. 4. Theat …   Universalium

  • stock — /stɒk / (say stok) noun 1. an aggregate of goods kept on hand by a merchant, business firm, manufacturer, etc., for the supply of customers. 2. a quantity of something accumulated, as for future use: a stock of provisions. 3. → livestock. 4. →… …  

  • Stock Exchange of Thailand — The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) is the national stock exchange of Thailand. It is located in Bangkok. The indices of the stock exchange are SET Index, SET50 Index and SET100 Index.HistoryThe modern Thai Capital Market traces its origins back …   Wikipedia

  • stock — n 1. supply, store, stockpile, inventory; quantity, fund, lot, bunch, heap, pile, mass, stack, load, Chiefly U.S. Dial. grist; assortment, range, selection, variety; collection, accumulation, amassment, aggregate, Obs. commodity; reserve,… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • Foundation for New Era Philanthropy — The Foundation for New Era Philanthropy was a notorious Ponzi scheme that operated from 1989 until its collapse in 1995 after having raised over $500 million from 1100 donors and embezzled $135 million of this. Most of the money was stolen from… …   Wikipedia

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