- flanking [DNA sequence]
- flanking [DNA sequence].(Источник: «Англо-русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд-во ВНИРО, 1995 г.)
DNA band — A DNA fragment or allele on a Southern blot autoradiogram. With reference to an identity pro file, a band is a tandem repeat DNA sequence (allele) produced by cleaving a genome into fragments with a restriction enzyme having recognition sites… … Forensic science glossary
DNA vaccination — The making of a DNA vaccine. DNA vaccination is a technique for protecting an organism against disease by injecting it with genetically engineered DNA to produce an immunological response. Nucleic acid vaccines are still experimental, and have… … Wikipedia
DNA methylation — Illustration of a DNA molecule that is methylated at the two center cytosines. DNA methylation plays an important role for epigenetic gene regulation in development and disease. DNA methylation is a biochemical process that is important for… … Wikipedia
DNA polymerase beta — Polymerase (DNA directed), beta PDB rendering based on 1bno … Wikipedia
flanking sequence — Short DNA sequences bordering a transcription unit. Often these do not code for proteins … Dictionary of molecular biology
flanking region — The DNA sequences extending either side of a specific sequence … Glossary of Biotechnology
Noncoding DNA — In genetics, noncoding DNA describes components of an organism s DNA sequences that do not encode for protein sequences. In many eukaryotes, a large percentage of an organism s total genome size is noncoding DNA, although the amount of noncoding… … Wikipedia
insertion sequence — (IS) a small bacterial transposable element containing only genes that encode transposition functions and having a short run of inverted repeated sequences at each of its termini, it causes duplication of the recipient DNA site into which it… … Medical dictionary
фланкирующая [последовательность ДНК] — flanking [DNA sequence] фланкирующая [последовательность ДНК]. Характеризует любую нуклеотидную последовательность, расположенную рядом ( по соседству , на фланге ) с другой последовательностью; различают 5 и 3 Ф.[п.ДНК], т.е. прилегающие к… … Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.
фланкирующая последовательность ДНК — Характеризует любую нуклеотидную последовательность, расположенную рядом («по соседству», «на фланге») с другой последовательностью; различают 5' и 3' Ф.п. ДНК, т.е. прилегающие к основной последовательности,… … Справочник технического переводчика