- flagellin
- flagellin.См. флагеллин.(Источник: «Англо-русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд-во ВНИРО, 1995 г.)
Flagellin — is a protein that arranges itself in a hollow cylinder to form the filament in bacterial flagellum. It has a mass of about 30,000 to 60,000 daltons. Flagellin is the principal substituent of bacterial flagellum, and is present in large amounts on … Wikipedia
flagellin — [flə jel′in, flə jel′ən] n. the protein that forms the flagella of bacteria * * * fla·gel·lin (flə jĕlʹĭn) n. The chief protein component of bacterial flagella. * * * … Universalium
flagellin — [flə jel′in, flə jel′ən] n. the protein that forms the flagella of bacteria … English World dictionary
flagellin — Any member of a class of proteins containing the amino acid, ε N methyllysine; this class represents the main protein component of the flagella of bacteria. * * * fla·gel·lin flə jel ən n a polymeric protein that is the chief … Medical dictionary
flagellin — noun Etymology: flagellum + 1 in Date: 1955 a polymeric protein that is the chief constituent of bacterial flagella and that determines the specificity of the flagellum in eliciting an immune response … New Collegiate Dictionary
flagellin — (flaj ē lin) The protein used to construct the filament of a bacterial flagellum … Dictionary of microbiology
flagellin — Subunit protein (40 kD) of the bacterial flagellum … Dictionary of molecular biology
flagellin — noun The main protein in the flagella of bacteria … Wiktionary
Flagellin — Fla|gel|lin [lat. flagellum = Geißel, Peitsche; ↑ in (3)], das; s, e: aus Bakteriengeißeln isolierte Glykoproteine … Universal-Lexikon
Flagellin — Flagelli̱n [zu ↑Flagelle] s; s, e: antigenes Protein der ↑Flagelle (1) … Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke