fertility factors

fertility factors
fertility factors.
(Источник: «Англо-русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд-во ВНИРО, 1995 г.)


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Смотреть что такое "fertility factors" в других словарях:

  • Fertility awareness — Background Birth control type Behavioral First use 1950s (mucus) mid 1930s (BBT) 1930 (Knaus Ogino) Ancient (ad hoc) Failure rates (first year) Perfect use Symptoms based: 1 3% Calendar based: 5 9% …   Wikipedia

  • Fertility — is the natural capability of giving life. As a measure, Fertility Rate is the number of children born per couple, person or population. This is different from fecundity, which is defined as the potential for reproduction (influenced by gamete… …   Wikipedia

  • Fertility monitor — A fertility monitor is an electronic device which may utilize various methods to assist the user with fertility awareness. A fertility monitor may analyze changes in hormone levels in urine, basal body temperature, electrical resistance of saliva …   Wikipedia

  • Fertility (soil) — Soil fertility is the characteristic of soil that supports abundant plant life. In particular the term is used to describe agricultural and garden soil.Fertile soil has the following properties: *It is rich in nutrients necessary for basic plant… …   Wikipedia

  • fertility — /feuhr til i tee/, n. 1. the state or quality of being fertile. 2. Biol. the ability to produce offspring; power of reproduction: the amazing fertility of rabbits. 3. the birthrate of a population. 4. (of soil) the capacity to supply nutrients in …   Universalium

  • Fertility — The ability to conceive and have children, the ability to become pregnant through normal sexual activity. Infertility is defined as the failure to conceive after a year of regular intercourse without contraception. Infertility is on the rise in… …   Medical dictionary

  • fertility — /fɜˈtɪləti/ (say fer tiluhtee) noun 1. the state or quality of being fertile. 2. Biology the ability to produce offspring; power of reproduction. 3. (of soil) the quality of supplying nutrients in proper amounts for plant growth when other… …  

  • Total fertility rate — Not to be confused with birth rate. A world map showing countries by fertility rate, 2005 2010 …   Wikipedia

  • Risk factors for breast cancer — Risk factors of breast cancer may be divided into preventable and non preventable. Their study belongs in the field of epidemiology. Breast cancer, like other forms of cancer, is considered to result from multiple environmental and hereditary… …   Wikipedia

  • Sub-replacement fertility — is a total fertility rate (TFR) that (if sustained) leads to each new generation being less populous than the previous one in a given area. In developed countries sub replacement fertility is any rate below approximately 2.1 children born per… …   Wikipedia

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