- female pronucleus
- female pronucleus.См. женский пронуклеус.(Источник: «Англо-русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд-во ВНИРО, 1995 г.)
female pronucleus — n the nucleus that remains in a female gamete after the meiotic reduction division and extrusion of polar bodies and contains only one half the number of chromosomes characteristic of its species compare MALE PRONUCLEUS * * * the haploid nucleus… … Medical dictionary
female pronucleus — noun : the nucleus that remains in a female gamete after reduction and extrusion of polar bodies and that contains only one half of the number of chromosomes characteristic of its species compare male pronucleus … Useful english dictionary
Pronucleus — Pro*nu cle*us, n.; pl. {Pronuclei} ( [imac]). [NL. See {Pro }, and {Nucleus}.] (Biol.) One of the two bodies or nuclei (called male and female pronuclei) which unite to form the first segmentation nucleus of an impregnated ovum. [1913 Webster]… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Pronucleus — A cell nucleus with a haploid set of chromosomes (23 chromosomes in humans) resulting from meiosis (germ cell division). The male pronucleus is the sperm nucleus after it has entered the ovum at fertilization but before fusion with the female… … Medical dictionary
pronucleus — Haploid nucleus resulting from meiosis. In animals the female pronucleus is the nucleus of the ovum before fusion with the male pronucleus. The male pronucleus is the sperm nucleus after it has entered the ovum at fertilization but before fusion… … Dictionary of molecular biology
pronucleus — noun Etymology: New Latin Date: 1880 the haploid nucleus of a male or female gamete (as an egg or sperm) up to the time of fusion with that of another gamete in fertilization … New Collegiate Dictionary
male pronucleus — n the nucleus that remains in a male gamete after the meiotic reduction division and that contains only one half of the number of chromosomes characteristic of its species compare FEMALE PRONUCLEUS * * * the haploid nucleus of the spermatozoon… … Medical dictionary
male pronucleus — noun : the nucleus that remains in a male gamete after reduction and that contains only one half of the number of chromosomes characteristic of its species compare female pronucleus … Useful english dictionary
Pronuclei — Pronucleus Pro*nu cle*us, n.; pl. {Pronuclei} ( [imac]). [NL. See {Pro }, and {Nucleus}.] (Biol.) One of the two bodies or nuclei (called male and female pronuclei) which unite to form the first segmentation nucleus of an impregnated ovum. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
женский пронуклеус — female pronucleus, thelykaryon женский пронуклеус. Гаплоидное ядро женской гаметы (яйца) до момента слияния с ядром спермия (мужским пронуклеусом). (Источник: «Англо русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А.,… … Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.