Engrailed — En*grailed , a. (Her.) Indented with small concave curves, as the edge of a bordure, bend, or the like. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Engrailed — — ген, содержащий гомеобокс, выявленный у многоклеточных животных. Играет важную роль в контроле развития центральной нервной системы. Ген Е. высококонсервативен, что было, в частности, установлено при сравнении нуклеотидныхпоследовательностей у… … Генетика. Энциклопедический словарь
Engrailed — Taxobox name = The Engrailed image width = 240px image caption = Photo courtesy of [http://www.entomart.be/ Entomart.be] regnum = Animalia phylum = Arthropoda subphylum = Hexapoda classis = Insecta ordo = Lepidoptera unranked familia =… … Wikipedia
Engrailed — Engrail En*grail , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Engrailed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Engrailing}.] [F. engr[^e]ler; pref. en (L. in) + gr[^e]le hail. See {Grail} gravel.] 1. To variegate or spot, as with hail. [1913 Webster] A caldron new engrailed with twenty… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
engrailed — adjective Etymology: Middle English engreled, from engrelen + ed 1. : indented at the edge with small concave curves an engrailed heraldic bordure 2. : made of raised dots an engrailed circle on a coin : bordered by a circle of raised dots an … Useful english dictionary
engrailed — adjective Etymology: Middle English engreled, from Anglo French engreslé, literally, reduced, thinned, from en + gresle slender, from Latin gracilis Date: 15th century 1. indented with small concave curves < an engrailed heraldic bordure > 2.… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Engrailed — Gène de la drosophile La drosophile Drosophila melanogaster est un animal modèle de la génétique. Sa petite taille, son taux de reproduction ainsi que son cycle de vie court permettent d en faire facilement l élevage dans de simples bocaux à… … Wikipédia en Français
Engrailed (gene) — Engrailed is a gene involved in many aspects of multicellular development. First known for its role in arthropod embryological development, working in consort with the Hox genes, Engrailed has been found to be important in other areas of… … Wikipedia
engrailed — 1) indented along an edge with small curves. Opposite of invected 2) having a margin or edge of small raised dots … Dictionary of ichthyology
engrailed — Drosophila gene that controls segmental polarity. It is the archetype for one of three subfamilies of homeobox containing genes … Dictionary of molecular biology