- duplicated genes
- duplicated genes.См. дуплицированные гены.(Источник: «Англо-русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд-во ВНИРО, 1995 г.)
дуплицированные гены — duplicated genes дуплицированные гены. Две идентичные пары генов с одинаковым выражением в фенотипе, локализованные в разных хромосомах; обозначаются как А1а1 и А2а2; Д.г. могут проявлять (или не проявлять) взаимный аддитивный эффект, обеспечивая … Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.
Paleopolyploidy — right|thumb|280px|Overview of Paleopolyploidy Process. Many higher eukaryotes were paleopolyploids at some point during their evolutionary history.Paleopolyploidy refers to ancient genome duplications which occurred at least several million years … Wikipedia
Down syndrome — Classification and external resources Boy with Down syndrome assembling a … Wikipedia
Plant evolutionary developmental biology — For a more ecological discussion on the evolution of plant morphology, refer to Evolutionary history of plants Evolutionary developmental biology (evo devo) refers to the study of developmental programs and patterns from an evolutionary… … Wikipedia
геномная библиотека банк генов — геномная библиотека, банк генов * геномная бібліятэка, банк генаў * genomic library or gene bank набор клонированных фрагментов ДНК, представляющих индивидуальный (групповой, видовой) геном. У млекопитающих (в т. ч. человека) геномы крупные,… … Генетика. Энциклопедический словарь
Noncoding DNA — In genetics, noncoding DNA describes components of an organism s DNA sequences that do not encode for protein sequences. In many eukaryotes, a large percentage of an organism s total genome size is noncoding DNA, although the amount of noncoding… … Wikipedia
Zinc finger nuclease — Zinc finger nucleases (ZFNs) are artificial restriction enzymes generated by fusing a zinc finger DNA binding domain to a DNA cleavage domain. Zinc finger domains can be engineered to target desired DNA sequences and this enables zinc finger… … Wikipedia
Mutationism — (sometimes, “Mendelism”) refers to the theory emphasizing mutation as a creative principle and source of discontinuity in evolutionary change, particularly associated with the founders of modern genetics. Contents 1 The discovery of genetics… … Wikipedia
Polyploid — This image shows haploid (single), diploid (double), triploid (triple), and tetraploid (quadruple) sets of chromosomes. Triploid and tetraploid chromosomes are examples of polyploidy. Polyploid is a term used to describe cells and organisms… … Wikipedia
Polyploidy — occurs in cells and organisms when there are more than two homologous sets of chromosomes.Most organisms are normally diploid; polyploidy may occur due to abnormal cell division. It is most commonly found in plants. Haploidy may also occur as a… … Wikipedia