- double diploid
- double diploid.= autotetraploid (см.).(Источник: «Англо-русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд-во ВНИРО, 1995 г.)
double diploid — dvigubas diploidas statusas T sritis augalininkystė apibrėžtis Organizmas, gavęs po dvigubą (diploidinį) chromosomų skaičių iš kiekvieno tėvinio individo. atitikmenys: angl. double diploid rus. двойной диплоид … Žemės ūkio augalų selekcijos ir sėklininkystės terminų žodynas
diploid — dip loid (d[i^]p loid), a. [Gr. diplo os twofold + oid.] (Biol.) having a number of chromosomes corresponding to two copies of each chromosome; having double the basic number of chromosomes, as seen in a haploid cell. Contrasted to {haploid} and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
diploid — [dip′loid΄] adj. [ DIPL(O) + OID] 1. twofold or double 2. Biol. having twice the number of chromosomes normally occurring in a mature germ cell: most somatic cells are diploid n. a diploid cell diploidy [dip′loi′dē] n … English World dictionary
diploid — 1908, from Gk. diploos double, twofold, (from di two + root *pel to fold; see PLY (Cf. ply) (v.)) + eidos form (see OID (Cf. oid)) … Etymology dictionary
diploid — ► ADJECTIVE Genetics ▪ (of a cell or nucleus) containing two complete sets of chromosomes, one from each parent. Compare with HAPLOID(Cf. ↑haploid). ORIGIN from Greek diplous double … English terms dictionary
Double fertilization — The parts of a flower Double fertilization … Wikipedia
diploid — diploidic, adj. /dip loyd/, adj. 1. double; twofold. 2. Biol. having two similar complements of chromosomes. n. 3. Biol. an organism or cell having double the basic haploid number of chromosomes. 4. Crystall. a solid belonging to the isometric… … Universalium
diploid — /ˈdɪplɔɪd / (say diployd) adjective 1. double. 2. Biology having two similar complements of chromosomes. –noun 3. Biology an organism or cell with double the haploid number of chromosomes. 4. Crystallography a solid belonging to the isometric… …
diploid — a. double, especially having double normal chromosome number. ♦ diploidy, n. such state … Dictionary of difficult words
diploid — n. (Biology) cell containing a double set of chromosomes arranged in homologous pairs within its nucleus (most cells in the body are diploids except gametes) … English contemporary dictionary