- DNA duplex
- DNA duplex.См. двухцепочечная ДНК.(Источник: «Англо-русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд-во ВНИРО, 1995 г.)
DNA duplex — dupleksas DNR statusas T sritis augalininkystė apibrėžtis Dvigrandė DNR, t. y. DNR, sudaryta iš dviejų priešingų krypčių dešiniojo sukimo spiralinių polinukleotinių grandinių, susuktų apie tariamąją ašį. atitikmenys: angl. DNA duplex rus. дуплекс … Žemės ūkio augalų selekcijos ir sėklininkystės terminų žodynas
DNA denaturation — DNA denaturation, also called DNA melting, is the process by which double stranded deoxyribonucleic acid unwinds and separates into single stranded strands through the breaking of hydrogen bonding between the bases. Both terms are used to refer… … Wikipedia
DNA-encoded chemical library — DNA encoded chemical libraries (DEL) are a new technology for the synthesis and screening of collections of chemical compounds of unprecedented size and quality. DEL represents an advance in medicinal chemistry which bridges the fields of… … Wikipedia
DNA polymerase lambda — Polymerase (DNA directed), lambda Rendering based on 1xsn of pol λ bound to a DNA strand containing a 1 nt gap … Wikipedia
DNA supercoil — Supercoiled structure of circular DNA molecules with low writhe. Note that the helical nature of the DNA duplex is omitted for clarity … Wikipedia
DNA nanotechnology — seeks to make artificial, designed nanostructures out of nucleic acids, such as this DNA tetrahedron.[1] Each edge of the tetrahedron is a 20 base pair DNA double helix, and each vertex is a three arm junction. DNA n … Wikipedia
DNA clamp — Top and side views of a homotrimer of the human PCNA sliding clamp (rainbow colored, N terminus = blue, C term … Wikipedia
DNA — For a non technical introduction to the topic, see Introduction to genetics. For other uses, see DNA (disambiguation). The structure of the DNA double helix. The atoms in the structure are colour coded by element and the detailed structure of two … Wikipedia
duplex — I. adjective Etymology: Latin, from duo two + plex fold more at two, fold Date: 1567 1. a. having two principal elements or parts ; double, twofold b. having two complementary polynucleotide strands of DNA or of DNA and RNA 2. allowing… … New Collegiate Dictionary
DNA hybridisation — /di ɛn eɪ haɪbrədaɪˈzeɪʃən/ (say dee en ay huybruhduy zayshuhn) noun Genetics a technique for estimating the degree of relatedness of two organisms by taking duplex DNA from one source, heating it and allowing it to hybridise with a similarly… …