air-drying method

air-drying method
air-drying method.
(Источник: «Англо-русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд-во ВНИРО, 1995 г.)


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Смотреть что такое "air-drying method" в других словарях:

  • Drying — For the food conservation method, see drying (food). Drying is a mass transfer process consisting of the removal of water or another solvent [1] by evaporation from a solid, semi solid or liquid. This process is often used as a final production… …   Wikipedia

  • Drying (food) — Flattened fish drying in the sun in Madagascar. Fish are preserved through such traditional methods as drying, smoking and salting.[1] …   Wikipedia

  • Wood drying — (also seasoning lumber or timber seasoning) refers to reducing the moisture content of wood prior to its use. For some purposes wood is not dried at all (it is used green ) [ wood] . Often the wood needs to be in …   Wikipedia

  • Spray drying — is a commonly used method of drying a liquid feed through a hot gas. Typically, this hot gas is air but sensitive materials such as pharmaceuticals, and solvents like ethanol require oxygen free drying and nitrogen gas is used instead. The liquid …   Wikipedia

  • Freeze drying — (also known as lyophilization or cryodesiccation) is a dehydration process typically used to preserve a perishable material or make the material more convenient for transport. Freeze drying works by freezing the material and then reducing the… …   Wikipedia

  • hot-blast drying — «HOT BLAST», a method of drying vegetables by forcing hot air over them …   Useful english dictionary

  • freeze drying — a method for the fixation of histological specimens, involving a minimum of chemical and physical change. Specimens are immersed in isopentane cooled to 190°C in liquid air. This fixes the tissue instantly, without the formation of large ice… …   Medical dictionary

  • freeze drying — a method for the fixation of histological specimens, involving a minimum of chemical and physical change. Specimens are immersed in isopentane cooled to –190°C in liquid air. This fixes the tissue instantly, without the formation of large ice… …   The new mediacal dictionary

  • метод воздушного высушивания — air drying method метод воздушного высушивания. Наиболее распространенный метод приготовления препаратов хромосом: кусочки ткани после гипотонической обработки и фиксации мацерируют на предметном стекле или же на него наносят несколько капель… …   Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.

  • Moisture meter — Moisture meters are used to measure the percentage of water in a given substance. This information can be used to determine if the material is ready for use, unexpectedly wet or dry, or otherwise in need of further inspection. Wood and paper… …   Wikipedia

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