- agglutinogen
- agglutinogen.См. агглютиноген.(Источник: «Англо-русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд-во ВНИРО, 1995 г.)
agglutinogen — [ag΄lo͞o tin′ə jən] n. any antigen which stimulates the production of agglutinins agglutinogenic [ag΄lo͞o tin′əjen′ik] adj … English World dictionary
agglutinogen — noun Etymology: agglutinin + o + gen Date: 1904 an antigen whose presence results in the formation of an agglutinin • agglutinogenic adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
agglutinogen — The antigen (in the case of antibody) or ligand (in the case of lectin) with which an agglutinin reacts … Dictionary of molecular biology
agglutinogen — agglutinogenic /ag loo tin euh jen ik, euh glooht n euh /, adj. /ag loo tin euh jeuhn, jen , euh glooht n euh /, n. Immunol. an antigen that causes the production of agglutinins. [1900 05; AGGLUTIN(ATE) + O + GEN] * * * … Universalium
agglutinogen — noun Any antigen that stimulates the production of an agglutinin … Wiktionary
agglutinogen — An antigenic substance that stimulates the formation of specific agglutinin, which can cause agglutination of cells that contain the antigen or particles coated with the antigen. SYN: agglutogen. [agglutinin + G. gen, production] … Medical dictionary
Agglutinogen — Ag|glu|ti|no|gen, das; s, e [zu griech. gene̅s = verursachend] (Med.): Antigen, das die Bildung von Agglutininen anregt … Universal-Lexikon
Agglutinogen — Ag|glutino|ge̱n [↑Agglutinin u. ↑...gen] s; s, e (meist Mehrz.): ↑Antigene, die die Bildung von Agglutininen anregen … Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke
Agglutinogen — Ag|glu|ti|no|gen das; s, e (meist Plur.) <zu ↑...gen> ↑Antigen, das die Bildung von Agglutininen anregt … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
agglutinogen — An antigen that stimulates production of a specific antibody (agglutinin) when introduced into an animal body. Outdated term for red cell antigen … Forensic science glossary