- cytochalasin B
- cytochalasin B.См. цитохалазин В.(Источник: «Англо-русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд-во ВНИРО, 1995 г.)
Cytochalasin B — Other names Phomin Identifiers … Wikipedia
Cytochalasin E — Cytochalasin E[1] Identifiers CAS number … Wikipedia
Cytochalasin D — Other names Zygosporin A; Cytohalasin D; Lygosporin A Ide … Wikipedia
cytochalasin B — cytochalasin used to examine the role of microfilaments in the morphology and physiology of cells; it causes microfilaments to disappear by inhibiting the assembly of actin filaments, thus blocking numerous cell processes, e.g., cytokinesis,… … Medical dictionary
Cytochalasin — Cytochalasins are fungal metabolites that have the ability to bind to actin filaments and block polymerization and the elongation of actin. As a result of the inhibition of actin polymerization, cytochalasins can change cellular morphology,… … Wikipedia
Cytochalasin — Cy|to|cha|la|sin [↑ cyto griech. chálasis = Erschlaffung], das; s, e: Sammelbez. aus Schimmelpilzkulturen für isolierte ↑ Mykotoxine, die inhibitorisch auf versch. Zellfunktionen wirken. Die C. sind tricycl. Makrolide mit einem 11 bis 14… … Universal-Lexikon
cytochalasin — noun Etymology: cyt + Greek chalasis slackening + English 1 in Date: 1966 any of a group of metabolites isolated from fungi (especially Helminthosporium dematioideum) that inhibit various cell processes … New Collegiate Dictionary
cytochalasin — noun Any of several related fungal metabolites that have an effect on cytokinesis while not affecting karyokinesis … Wiktionary
cytochalasin — cy·to·cha·la·sin .sīt ō kə lā sən n any of a group of metabolites isolated from fungi (esp. Helminthosporium dematioideum) that inhibit various cell processes * * * cy·to·chal·a·sin (si″to kalґə sin) any of a group of fungal… … Medical dictionary
cytochalasin — n. type of metabolite derived from fungi (used to hinder production of microfilaments and thereby stops cellular processes that depend upon microfilaments) … English contemporary dictionary