- cystinuria
- cystinuria.См. цистинурия.(Источник: «Англо-русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд-во ВНИРО, 1995 г.)
Cystinuria — Classification and external resources Chemical structure of cystine formed from L cysteine (under biological conditions) ICD 10 E … Wikipedia
Cystinuria — An inherited (genetic) disorder of the transport of an amino acid (a building block of protein) called cystine resulting in an excess of cystine in the urine (cystinuria) and the formation of cystine stones. Cystinuria is the most common defect… … Medical dictionary
cystinuria — /sis teuh noor ee euh, nyoor /, n. Pathol. an inherited metabolic disorder that results in the excessive excretion of certain amino acids, esp. cystine, in the urine. [1850 55; CYSTINE + URIA] * * * ▪ pathology hereditary error of… … Universalium
cystinuria — noun Etymology: New Latin Date: 1853 a metabolic defect characterized by excretion of excessive amounts of cystine in the urine and inherited as an autosomal recessive trait … New Collegiate Dictionary
cystinuria — noun The presence of cystine in the urine … Wiktionary
cystinuria — cys·ti·nu·ria … English syllables
cystinuria — n. an inborn error of metabolism resulting in excessive excretion of the amino acid cystine in the urine due to a defect of reabsorption by the kidney tubules. It may lead to the formation of cystine stones in the kidney … The new mediacal dictionary
cystinuria — … Useful english dictionary
International Cystinuria Foundation — The International Cystinuria Foundation (ICF) is a Colorado based nonprofit organization that provides educational resources to individuals affected by cystinuria. Its mission is to strengthen, educate, and further the general well being of the… … Wikipedia
CSNU — cystinuria … Medical dictionary