core particle

core particle
core particle.
(Источник: «Англо-русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд-во ВНИРО, 1995 г.)


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Смотреть что такое "core particle" в других словарях:

  • particle — 1. A very small piece or portion of anything. 2. An elementary p. such as a proton or electron. [L. particula, dim. of pars, part] alpha p. (α) a p. consisting of two neutrons and two protons, with a positive charge (2e+); emitted energetically… …   Medical dictionary

  • subatomic particle — or elementary particle Any of various self contained units of matter or energy. Discovery of the electron in 1897 and of the atomic nucleus in 1911 established that the atom is actually a composite of a cloud of electrons surrounding a tiny but… …   Universalium

  • Multiphase particle-in-cell method — The multiphase particle in cell method (MP PIC) is a numerical method for modeling particle fluid and particle particle interactions in a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) calculation. The MP PIC method achieves greater stability than its… …   Wikipedia

  • Mechanics of planar particle motion — Classical mechanics Newton s Second Law History of classical mechanics  …   Wikipedia

  • Magnetosphere particle motion — A sketch of Earth s magnetic field representing the source of Earth s magnetic field as a magnet The north pole of earth is near the top of the diagram, the south pole near the bottom. Notice that the south pole of that magnet is deep in Earth s… …   Wikipedia

  • Gas core reactor rocket — Gas core reactor rockets are a conceptual type of rocket that is propelled by the exhausted coolant of a gaseous fission reactor. The nuclear fission reactor core may be either a gas or plasma. They may be capable of creating specific impulses of …   Wikipedia

  • Eukaryotic type signal recognition particle RNA — The signal recognition particle (SRP) RNA is a non coding RNA that is part of the signal recognition particle. The signal recognition particle is a universally conserved ribonucleoprotein involved in the co translational targeting of proteins to… …   Wikipedia

  • Signal recognition particle — NOTOC protein Name = signal recognition particle 9kDa caption = width = HGNCid = 11304 Symbol = SRP9 AltSymbols = EntrezGene = 6726 OMIM = 600707 RefSeq = NM 003133 UniProt = P49458 PDB = ECnumber = Chromosome = 1 Arm = q Band = 42.12… …   Wikipedia

  • коровые гистоны — core histones коровые гистоны. Гистоны <histones>, составляющие сердцевинную часть нуклеосом хроматина (белковую часть минимальной нуклеосомы <core particle>); к К.г. относятся все гистоны (кроме гистона Н1). (Источник: «Англо русский …   Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.

  • минимальная нуклеосома — core particle, minimal nucleosome коровая частица, минимальная нуклеосома. Единица упаковки ДНК, стабильно существующая при формировании нуклеосомной структуры и включающая 146 пар нуклеотидов и октамер коровых гистонов <core histones>;… …   Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.

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