- condensed chromatin
- condensed chromatin.(Источник: «Англо-русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд-во ВНИРО, 1995 г.)
chromatin domains — subunits of condensed chromatin that make up the chromosomal territories of the cell nucleus … Medical dictionary
Chromatin — Chro ma*tin, n. (Biol.) The deeply staining substance of the nucleus and chromosomes of eukaryotic cells, composed of DNA and basic proteins (such as histones), the DNA of which comprises the predominant physical basis of inheritance. It was, at… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Chromatin — The major structures in DNA compaction; DNA, the nucleosome, the 10nm beads on a string fibre, the 30nm fibre and the metaphase chromosome Chromatin is the combination of DNA and proteins that make up the contents of the nucleus of a cell. The… … Wikipedia
chromatin — The genetic material of the nucleus, consisting of deoxyribonucleoprotein, which occurs in two forms during the phase between mitotic divisions: 1) as heterochromatin, seen as condensed, readily stainable clumps; 2) as euchromatin, dispersed… … Medical dictionary
sex chromatin — Condensed chromatin of the inactivated X chromosome in female mammals (Barr body) … Dictionary of molecular biology
chromatin — noun Date: 1882 a complex of nucleic acid and basic proteins (as histone) in eukaryotic cells that is usually dispersed in the interphase nucleus and condensed into chromosomes in mitosis and meiosis see cell illustration; compare euchromatin,… … New Collegiate Dictionary
chromatin — (kro mah tin) The DNA containing portion of the eucaryotic nucleus; the DNA is almost always complexed with histones. It can be very condensed (heterochromatin) or more loosely organized and genetically active (euchromatin) … Dictionary of microbiology
chromatin — Stainable material of interphase nucleus consisting of nucleic acid and associated histone protein packed into nucleosomes. Euchromatin is loosely packed and accessible to RNA polymerases, whereas heterochromatin is highly condensed and probably… … Dictionary of molecular biology
chromatin body — Barr body; condensed X chromosome in female mammalian cell … Dictionary of molecular biology
спирализованный хроматин — condensed chromatin конденсированный (спирализованный) хроматин. Xроматин, образующийся во время средних этапов клеточного деления (от поздней профазы до начала телофазы), а также интеркинеза <interkinesis>, когда процесс конденсации… … Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.