- chromatin domain
- chromatin domain.См. хроматиновый домен.(Источник: «Англо-русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд-во ВНИРО, 1995 г.)
Methyl-CpG-binding domain — MBD solution structure of the matrix attachment region binding domain of chicken mecp2 Identifiers Symbol MBD Pfam … Wikipedia
Transformation/transcription domain-associated protein — Transformation/transcription domain associated protein, also known as TRRAP, is a human gene.This is an adapter protein, which is found in various multiprotein chromatin complexes with histone acetyltransferase activity (HAT), which gives a… … Wikipedia
Methyl-CpG-binding domain protein 2 — Identifiers Symbols MBD2; DKFZp586O0821; DMTase; NY CO 41 External IDs … Wikipedia
Chromo shadow domain — hp1 chromo shadow domain in complex with pxvxl motif of caf 1 Identifiers Symbol Chromo shadow Pfam … Wikipedia
Creb binding domain — Creb binding irf3 cbp complex Identifiers Symbol Creb binding Pfam … Wikipedia
RING finger domain — Pfam box Symbol = zf C3HC4 Name = Zinc finger, C3HC4 type (RING finger) width = caption = Pfam= PF00097 InterPro= IPR001841 SMART= PROSITE= PDOC00449 SCOP = 1chc TCDB = OPM family= OPM protein= PDB=PDB3|1jm7A:24 64 PDB3|1rmd :290 328 PDB3|1bor… … Wikipedia
interchromatin domain — interchromosomal domain a compartment of the cell nucleus consisting of a network of channels separating and containing much less chromatin than the chromosome territories; most RNA transcription, processing, and transport are believed to occur… … Medical dictionary
хроматиновый домен — chromatin domain хроматиновый домен. Элемент организации метафазных и интерфазных хромосом, представляет собой петлеобразную структуру ДНК размером около 30 тыс. пар нуклеотидов, в случае метафазных хромосом становится видимым после удаления… … Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.
Scaffold/matrix attachment region — S/MAR functions: constitutive and facultative. A chromatin domain with constitutive S/MARs at its termini (I). When functional demands require the specific translocation of the constituent gene to the matrix, facultative S/MARs responds to… … Wikipedia
S/MAR — The term ´S/MAR´ (scaffold/matrix attachment region), otherwise called ´SAR´ (scaffold attachment region) or ´MAR´ (matrix associated element) designates architectural components that organize the genome of eukaryotes into functional units within … Wikipedia