- actomyosin
- actomyosin.См. актомиозин.(Источник: «Англо-русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд-во ВНИРО, 1995 г.)
Actomyosin — das, s, bei der Muskelkontraktion aus Actin und Myosin gebildeter Proteinkomplex … Universal-Lexikon
actomyosin — [ak΄tō mī′ə sin΄] n. a complex of two proteins (actin and myosin) in muscle tissue, interacting with ATP to bring about muscular contraction … English World dictionary
actomyosin — Generally: a motor system that is thought to be based on actin and myosin. The essence of the motor system is that myosin makes transient contact with the actin filaments and undergoes a conformational change before releasing contact. The… … Dictionary of molecular biology
actomyosin — /æktəˈmaɪəsən/ (say aktuh muyuhsuhn) noun a complex of actin and myosin which is the major constituent of muscle. The shortening of actomyosin fibrils causes muscle contraction …
actomyosin — aktomiozinas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Raumenų baltymų aktino ir miozino kompleksas. atitikmenys: angl. actomyosin rus. актомиозин … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
actomyosin — noun Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary actin + o + myosin Date: 1942 a contractile complex of actin and myosin that together with ATP is active during muscular contraction … New Collegiate Dictionary
Actomyosin — Mikrofilamente in Fibroblasten der Maus, fluoreszenzmikroskopisch dargestellt Mikrofilamente sind fadenförmige Protein Strukturen in eukaryotischen Zellen. Zusammen mit den Mikrotubuli und Intermediärfilamenten bilden sie die Hauptmasse des … Deutsch Wikipedia
actomyosin — n. [Gr. aktis, ray; mys, muscle] Actin and myosin linkage in myofilaments that shortens when stimulated resulting in muscle contraction … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
actomyosin — /ak teuh muy euh sin/, n. Biochem. a complex protein, consisting of myosin and actin, that is the major constituent of skeletal muscle and is thought to interact with ATP to cause muscle contraction. [1940 45; ACT(IN) + O + MYOSIN] * * * … Universalium
actomyosin — noun A protein complex composed fo actin and myosin, found in muscle cells … Wiktionary