- bulk method
- bulk method.См. метод отбора Akarp.(Источник: «Англо-русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд-во ВНИРО, 1995 г.)
Bulk electrolysis — is also known as potentiostatic coulometry or controlled potential coulometry . [Bard, A.J.; Faulkner, L.R. Electrochemical Methods: Fundamentals and Applications. New York: John Wiley Sons, 2nd Edition, 2000.] [Skoog, D.A.; West, D.M.; Holler, F … Wikipedia
Bulk confectionery — is a method of commercially dispensing multiple small units of confectionery, either in manufactured bags with a fixed number of units per container, or by the amount of mass placed in a bag. The former is typically used in vending machines,… … Wikipedia
Bulk leach extractable gold — Bulk Leach Extractable Gold, more commonly shortened to BLEG is a geochemical sampling/analysis tool used during exploration for gold. It was developed in the early 1980s to address concerns relating to the accurately measuring fine grained gold … Wikipedia
Bulk carrier — The Sabrina I is a modern Handymax bulk carrier. Class overview Name: Freighter Subclasses … Wikipedia
Method (computer science) — In object oriented programming, the term method refers to a subroutine that is exclusively associated either with a class (called class methods, static methods, or factory methods) or with an object (called instance methods). Like a procedure in… … Wikipedia
Method of increments — Increment In cre*ment, n. [L. incrementum: cf. F. incr[ e]ment. See {Increase}.] [1913 Webster] 1. The act or process of increasing; growth in bulk, guantity, number, value, or amount; augmentation; enlargement. [1913 Webster] The seminary that… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Discrete element method — A discrete element method (DEM), also called a distinct element method is any of family of numerical methods for computing the motion of a large number of particles of micrometre scale size and above. Though DEM is very closely related to… … Wikipedia
County Court Bulk Centre — This article is part of the series: Courts of England and Wales Law of England and Wales … Wikipedia
Hardy–Littlewood circle method — In mathematics, the Hardy–Littlewood circle method is one of the most frequently used techniques of analytic number theory. It is named for G. H. Hardy and J. E. Littlewood, who developed it in a series of papers on Waring s problem. Contents 1… … Wikipedia
Electroanalytical method — Electroanalytical methods are a class of techniques in analytical chemistry which study an analyte by measuring the potential (Volts) and/or current (Amps) in an electrochemical cell containing the analyte. [Bard, A.J.; Faulkner, L.R.… … Wikipedia