- yolk sac
- yolk sac.См. желточный мешок.(Источник: «Англо-русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд-во ВНИРО, 1995 г.)
yolk sac — n. Zool. 1. a saclike vascular membrane containing yolk, an outgrowth from the ventral surface of very yolky vertebrate embryos, as those of fishes, birds, or reptiles, that supplies nourishment to the embryo 2. a homologous organ in most… … English World dictionary
yolk sac — yolk′ sac n. dvl an extraembryonic membrane that encloses the yolk of eggs • Etymology: 1860–65 … From formal English to slang
Yolk sac — Not all yolk has to do with birds eggs. Human embryos have a yolk sac, a membrane outside the embryo but connected by a tube (the yolk stalk) though the umbilical opening to the embryos midgut. The yolk sac serves as an early site for … Medical dictionary
Yolk sac — Infobox Embryology Name = Yolk sac Latin = GraySubject = 11 GrayPage = 54 Caption = Human embryo of 2.6 mm. Caption2 = Human embryo from thirty one to thirty four days System = CarnegieStage = 5b Days = 9 Precursor = endoderm GivesRiseTo =… … Wikipedia
yolk sac — noun 1. membranous structure that functions as the circulatory system in mammalian embryos until the heart becomes functional • Syn: ↑vitelline sac, ↑umbilical vesicle, ↑vesicula umbilicus • Hypernyms: ↑sac 2. membranous structure enclosing the… … Useful english dictionary
yolk sac — thin membrane which surrounds the yolk of an egg and supplies nutrients to the embryo (in mammals, the yolk sac ceases to function when the placenta forms) … English contemporary dictionary
yolk sac tumor — a malignant germ cell tumor of children that represents a proliferation of both yolk sac endoderm and extraembryonic mesenchyme. It is characterized by a labyrinthine glandular pattern with a papillary projection into a sinuslike space;… … Medical dictionary
yolk-sac larva — a fish larva which has already hatched from the egg but has not started feeding yet and still absorbs the yolk in the ventrally attached yolk sac. At the end of this stage in development, the yolk and oil globule(s) have been used up, the major… … Dictionary of ichthyology
yolk-sac placenta — the yolk sac helps in formation of a placenta which allows a connection of the embryo to the mother for nourishment … Dictionary of ichthyology
yolk sac endoderm — the epithelial lining of the yolk sac … Medical dictionary