
(Источник: «Англо-русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд-во ВНИРО, 1995 г.)


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Смотреть что такое "vasopressin" в других словарях:

  • Vasopressin — Vasopressin; Adiuretin Kalottenmodell …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Vasopressin — Vasopressin, antidiuretisches Hormon, ADH, Adiuretin vom Hypothalamus gebildetes und in der Neurohypophyse gespeichertes ⇒ Neurohormon der Säuger; ein durch eine Disulfidbrücke ringförmig geschlossenes Nonapeptid; hemmt die Diurese, bewirkt also …   Deutsch wörterbuch der biologie

  • vasopressin — 1928, from vasopressor, from vaso , comb. form of L. vas “container, vessel” (see VAS (Cf. vas)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • vasopressin — [vas΄ōpres′ən, vā′zōpres′ən] n. [< VASO + PRESS(URE) + IN1] a hormone secreted by the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland, that increases blood pressure by constricting the arterioles …   English World dictionary

  • Vasopressin — Arginine vasopressin Space filling model of arginine vasopressin …   Wikipedia

  • Vasopressin — A relatively small (peptide) molecule that is released by the pituitary gland at the base of the brain after being made nearby (in the hypothalamus). Vasopressin has an antidiuretic action that prevents the production of dilute urine (and so is… …   Medical dictionary

  • Vasopressin — AVP; Antidiuretisches Hormon; Adiuretin; ADH; Arginin Vasopressin * * * Va|so|pres|sin 〈[va ] n. 11; Abk.: ADH〉 ein Peptidhormon des Hypophysenhinterlappens, das die Rückresorption von Wasser (tägl. zw. 15 30 l) in den Nieren bewirkt; Sy… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • vasopressin — (= antidiuretic hormone; ADH) A peptide hormone released from the posterior pituitary lobe but synthesized in the hypothalamus. There are 2 forms, differing only in the amino acid at position 8: arginine vasopressin is widespread, while lysine… …   Dictionary of molecular biology

  • vasopressin — antidiuretic hormone; = ADH; n. a hormone, released by the pituitary gland, that increases the reabsorption of water by the kidney, thus preventing excessive loss of water from the body. Vasopressin also causes constriction of blood vessels.… …   The new mediacal dictionary

  • vasopressin — noun Etymology: from Vasopressin, a trademark Date: 1927 a polypeptide hormone secreted by the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland or obtained synthetically that increases blood pressure and decreases urine flow called also antidiuretic hormone …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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