- transposase
- transposase.См. транспозаза.(Источник: «Англо-русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд-во ВНИРО, 1995 г.)
Transposase — Enzymklassifikation EC, Kategorie … Deutsch Wikipedia
Transposase — is an enzyme that binds to single stranded DNA and can incorporate it into genomic DNA. Class II transposons encode a transposase which allows them to enable transposons to be cut from genomic DNA and be inserted at another location.They are… … Wikipedia
transposase — See transposon … Dictionary of molecular biology
transposase — noun An enzyme required for the transposition of transposons … Wiktionary
transposase — An enzyme that is required for transposition of DNA segments. [L. trans pono, pp. trans positum, to set across, transfer, + ase] * * * trans·pos·ase .tran(t)s pō .zās n an enzyme that catalyzes the transposition of a transposon * * *… … Medical dictionary
transposase — An enzyme encoded by a transposon gene that catalyses the movement of a DNA sequence to a different site in a DNA molecule … Glossary of Biotechnology
transposase — transposˈase noun (genetics) An enzyme that brings about the transposition of a sequence of DNA within a chromosome or between chromosomes • • • Main Entry: ↑transpose … Useful english dictionary
транспозаза — transposase транспозаза. Фермент, участвующий в начальных этапах транспозиции некоторых мобильных генетических элементов <transposable elements> (МГЭ), например, бактериального Tn3 или Ac в системе активации диссоциации <activator… … Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.
P element — A P element is a transposon that is present specifically in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster and is used widely for mutagenesis and the creation of genetically modified flies used for genetic research. The P element gives rise to a phenotype … Wikipedia
Transposable element — A bacterial DNA transposon Transposable elements (TEs) are sequences of DNA that can move or transpose themselves to new positions within the genome of a single cell. The mechanism of transposition can be either copy and paste or cut and paste .… … Wikipedia