- Tiselius apparatus
- Tiselius apparatus.См. аппарат Тизелиуса.(Источник: «Англо-русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд-во ВНИРО, 1995 г.)
Tiselius apparatus — Ti·se·li·us apparatus ti sā lē əs n an apparatus used for electrophoresis esp. of proteins in a biological system (as blood plasma) called also Tiselius cell Ti·se·li·us te sā lē u̇s Arne Wilhelm Kaurin (1902 1971) Swedish biochemist. Tiselius… … Medical dictionary
tiselius apparatus — noun also tiselius cell tə̇|sā]lēəs , |zā] Usage: usually capitalized T Etymology: after Arne Tiselius b1902 Swedish biochemist : an apparatus characterized by a rectangular U tube divided into two or three sections for carrying out… … Useful english dictionary
tiselius cell — noun see tiselius apparatus … Useful english dictionary
Tiselius , Arne Wilhelm Kaurin — (1902–1971) Swedish chemist Tiselius was born in Stockholm, Sweden, and educated at the University of Uppsala, where he became the assistant of Theodor Svedberg in 1925. He obtained his PhD in 1930 and his whole career was spent at Uppsala where … Scientists
apparatus — 1. A collection of instruments adapted for a special purpose. 2. An instrument made up of several parts. 3. [TA] A group or system of glands, ducts, blood vessel s, muscles, or other anatomic structures involved in the performance of some… … Medical dictionary
Tiselius — Arne W.K., Swedish biochemist and Nobel laureate, 1902–1971. See T. apparatus, T. electrophoresis cell … Medical dictionary
Arne Tiselius — Infobox Scientist name = Arne Wilhelm Kaurin Tiselius box width = image width = Arne Wilhelm Kaurin Tiselius caption = birth date = August 10, 1902 birth place = Stockholm, Sweden death date = death date and age|1971|10|29|1902|8|10 death place … Wikipedia
аппарат Тизелиуса — Tiselius apparatus аппарат Тизелиуса. Pазработанная А.Тизелиусом в 30 е гг. (сообщение опубликовано в 1933) конструкция для проведения электрофореза <electrophoresis> в жидкости по методу движущейся границы. (Источник: «Англо русский… … Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.
Cell — The basic structural and functional unit in people and all living things. Each cell is a small container of chemicals and water wrapped in a membrane. Each cell in the human body there are 100 trillion cells in each of us contains the entire… … Medical dictionary
аппарат Тизелиуса — Разработанная А. Тизелиусом в 30 е гг. (сообщение опубликовано в 1933) конструкция для проведения электрофореза в жидкости по методу движущейся границы. [Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А. Англо русский толковый словарь генетических терминов 1995… … Справочник технического переводчика