- telolecithal egg
- telolecithal egg.См. телолецитальное яйцо.(Источник: «Англо-русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд-во ВНИРО, 1995 г.)
telolecithal egg — An egg cell with abundant yolk concentrated toward the lower side of the cell; see centrolecithal egg … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
Telolecithal — ( Greek telo = end, lekithos = yolk) refers to the uneven distribution of yolk in the cytoplasm of ovums of found in birds, reptiles, and fish. The yolk is concentrated at one pole of the egg separate from the developing embryo.This type of egg… … Wikipedia
egg — The female sexual cell, or gamete; after fertilization and fusion of the pronuclei it is a zygote and no longer an e.. In reptiles and birds, the e. is provided with a protective shell, membranes, albumin, and yolk for the nourishment of the … Medical dictionary
telolecithal — |tēlō, |telō+ adjective Etymology: tel (II) + Greek lekithos yolk of an egg + English al : having the yolk large in amount and concentrated at one pole used of an egg; compare centrolecithal … Useful english dictionary
telolecithal — Denoting an ovum in which a large amount of deuteroplasm or yolk accumulates at the vegetative pole, as in the eggs of birds and reptiles. [G. telos, end, + G. lekithos, yolk] * * * telo·lec·i·thal .tel ō les ə thəl, .tēl adj of an egg having the … Medical dictionary
centrolecithal egg — (ARTHROPODA) A type of arthropod egg in which the nucleus is located centrally in a small amount of nonyolky cytoplasm surrounded by a large mass of yolk until fertilized; when nuclear divisions begin the nuclei migrate to the periphery to… … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
oligolecithal egg — An egg with a small amount of yolk; isolecithal; see centrolecithal egg, telolecithal egg … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
телолецитальное яйцо — telolecithal egg телолецитальное яйцо. Яйцо, в котором желток расположен асимметрично в одном из полушарий (на вегетативном полюсе яйца); для Т.я. характерно меробластическое дробление <meroblastic cleavage>. (Источник: «Англо русский… … Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.
pole — 1. One of the two points at the extremities of the axis of any organ or body. 2. Either of the two points on a sphere at the greatest distance from the equator. 3. One of the two points in a magnet or an electric battery or cell having extremes… … Medical dictionary
Cleavage (embryo) — In embryology, cleavage is the division of cells in the early embryo. The zygotes of many species undergo rapid cell cycles with no significant growth, producing a cluster of cells the same size as the original zygote. The different cells derived … Wikipedia