- bacteriocins
- bacteriocins.См. бактериоцины.(Источник: «Англо-русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд-во ВНИРО, 1995 г.)
bacteriocins — Exotoxins, often plasmid coded, produced by bacteria and which kill other bacteria (not eukaryotic cells). Colicins are produced by about 40% of E. coli strains: colicin E2 is a DNA ase, colicin E3 an RNA ase … Dictionary of molecular biology
bacteriocins — Proteins produced by certain bacteria that have bacteriocinogenic plasmids and that exert a lethal effect on closely related bacteria; in general, b. have a narrower range of activity than antibiotics and are more potent … Medical dictionary
Bacteriocin — Bacteriocins are proteinaceous toxins produced by bacteria to inhibit the growth of similar or closely related bacterial strain(s). They are typically considered to be narrow spectrum antibiotics, though this has been debated.[1] They are… … Wikipedia
бактериоцины — bacteriocins бактериоцины. Cпецифические белки, вырабатываемые некоторыми бактериями и подавляющие жизнедеятельность клеток других штаммов того же вида или близких видов бактерий, например, колицины <colicine>, образуемые E.coli. (Источник … Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.
pyocins — Bacteriocins produced by bacteria of the genus Pseudomonas … Dictionary of molecular biology
staphylococcins — Bacteriocins produced by staphylococci … Dictionary of molecular biology
Class II bacteriocin — Three dimensional structure of leucocin A a type IIa bacteriocin.[1] Identifiers Symbol … Wikipedia
Antibacterial — Contents 1 History 2 Indications 3 Pharmacodynamics 4 Classe … Wikipedia
Antibiotic — In modern usage, an antibiotic is a chemotherapeutic agent with activity against microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi or protozoa. [cite book|author=Davey PG|chapter=Antimicrobial chemotherapy|editor=Ledingham JGG, Warrell DA|title=Concise… … Wikipedia
Lantibiotics — are a class of peptide antibiotics that contain polycyclic thioether amino acids as well as the unsaturated amino acids dehydroalanine and 2 aminoisobutyric acid. These characteristic cyclic thioether amino acids are composed of either… … Wikipedia