- spermatid
- spermatid.См. сперматида.(Источник: «Англо-русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд-во ВНИРО, 1995 г.)
spermatid — [spʉr′mə tid] n. [ SPERMAT(O) + ID] Zool. any of the four haploid cells formed by the two consecutive meiotic divisions of a primary spermatocyte, each of which develops into a spermatozoon … English World dictionary
Spermatid — Infobox Anatomy Name = Spermatid Latin = GraySubject = 258 GrayPage = 1243 Caption = Germinal epithelium of the testicle. 1: basal lamina 2: spermatogonia 3: spermatocyte 1st order 4: spermatocyte 2nd order 5: spermatid 6: mature spermatid 7:… … Wikipedia
spermatid — noun Date: 1889 one of the haploid cells that are formed by the second division in meiosis of a spermatocyte and that differentiate into spermatozoa … New Collegiate Dictionary
spermatid — n. [Gr. sperma, seed] One of four haploid cells of the male after the meiotic divisions; an immature spermatozoon … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
spermatid — /sperr meuh tid/, n. Cell Biol. one of the cells that result from the meiotic divisions of a spermatocyte and mature into spermatozoa. [1885 90; SPERMAT + ID3] * * * … Universalium
spermatid — noun A haploid cell, produced by meiosis of a spermatocyte, that develops into a spermatozoon … Wiktionary
spermatid — A cell in a late stage of the development of the spermatozoon; it is a haploid cell derived from the secondary spermatocyte and evolves by spermiogenesis into a spermatozoon. SYN: nematoblast. [spermat + id (2)] * * * sper·ma·tid spər mət əd … Medical dictionary
spermatid — n. any of four haploid cells that develop into a sperm cell … English contemporary dictionary
spermatid — [ spə:mətɪd] noun Biology an immature male sex cell formed from a spermatocyte, which may develop into a spermatozoon without further division. Derivatives spermatidal ˌspə:mə tʌɪd(ə)l adjective … English new terms dictionary
spermatid — Cell that differentiates and becomes a mature sperm … Expanded glossary of Cycad terms