silk gland

silk gland
silk gland.
(Источник: «Англо-русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд-во ВНИРО, 1995 г.)


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Смотреть что такое "silk gland" в других словарях:

  • Silk gland — Silk Silk, n. [OE. silk, selk, AS. seolc, seoloc; akin to Icel. silki, SW. & Dan. silke; prob. through Slavic from an Oriental source; cf. Lith. szilkai, Russ. shelk , and also L. sericum Seric stuff, silk. Cf. {Sericeous}. {Serge} a woolen stuff …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • silk gland — noun silk producing gland of insects (especially of a silkworm) or spiders • Syn: ↑serictery, ↑sericterium • Hypernyms: ↑gland, ↑secretory organ, ↑secretor, ↑secreter • Part Holonyms …   Useful english dictionary

  • silk gland — noun Date: 1870 a gland that produces a viscid fluid which is extruded in filaments and hardens into silk on exposure to air: as a. either of a pair of greatly enlarged and modified salivary glands of an insect larva that produce a compound… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • silk gland — noun a gland in a silkworm, spider, or other arthropod that secretes the substance which hardens as threads of silk or web …   English new terms dictionary

  • silk gland — any of several glands, as in various insects and spiders, that secrete a viscid protein substance which hardens into silk on contact with air. [1865 70] * * * …   Universalium

  • Silk — Silk, n. [OE. silk, selk, AS. seolc, seoloc; akin to Icel. silki, SW. & Dan. silke; prob. through Slavic from an Oriental source; cf. Lith. szilkai, Russ. shelk , and also L. sericum Seric stuff, silk. Cf. {Sericeous}. {Serge} a woolen stuff.] 1 …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Silk cotton — Silk Silk, n. [OE. silk, selk, AS. seolc, seoloc; akin to Icel. silki, SW. & Dan. silke; prob. through Slavic from an Oriental source; cf. Lith. szilkai, Russ. shelk , and also L. sericum Seric stuff, silk. Cf. {Sericeous}. {Serge} a woolen stuff …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Silk flower — Silk Silk, n. [OE. silk, selk, AS. seolc, seoloc; akin to Icel. silki, SW. & Dan. silke; prob. through Slavic from an Oriental source; cf. Lith. szilkai, Russ. shelk , and also L. sericum Seric stuff, silk. Cf. {Sericeous}. {Serge} a woolen stuff …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • silk flower — Silk Silk, n. [OE. silk, selk, AS. seolc, seoloc; akin to Icel. silki, SW. & Dan. silke; prob. through Slavic from an Oriental source; cf. Lith. szilkai, Russ. shelk , and also L. sericum Seric stuff, silk. Cf. {Sericeous}. {Serge} a woolen stuff …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Silk fowl — Silk Silk, n. [OE. silk, selk, AS. seolc, seoloc; akin to Icel. silki, SW. & Dan. silke; prob. through Slavic from an Oriental source; cf. Lith. szilkai, Russ. shelk , and also L. sericum Seric stuff, silk. Cf. {Sericeous}. {Serge} a woolen stuff …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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