shaker — [ ʃɛkɶr ] n. m. • 1895; mot angl. « secoueur » ♦ Anglic. Récipient (métallique, etc.), formé d une double timbale, utilisé pour préparer des cocktails et boissons glacées. « il secouait le shaker [...] : il jouait au barman » (Sartre). ● shaker… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Shaker — (von engl. to shake „rütteln, schütteln“) steht für Shaker (Barzubehör), ein Utensil zum Mixen von Cocktails Shaker (Religion), eine christliche Gemeinschaft in den USA Shaker (Musik), ein Musikinstrument elektrodynamischer Shaker, ein Testgerät… … Deutsch Wikipedia
shaker — s.n. Recipient în care se agită (cu gheaţă) elementele unui cocteil. [pr.: şéicăr] – cuv. engl. Trimis de LauraGellner, 22.07.2004. Sursa: DEX 98 SHAKER s.n. Aparat în care se agită, cu gheaţă, elementele unui cocteil. [pron. şéichă. / <… … Dicționar Român
shaker — ► NOUN 1) a container used for mixing ingredients by shaking. 2) a container with a pierced top from which a powder is poured by shaking. 3) (Shaker) a member of an American Christian sect living simply in celibate mixed communities. [ORIGIN: so… … English terms dictionary
shaker — [shā′kər] n. 1. a person or thing that shakes 2. a device used in shaking [a cocktail shaker ] ☆ 3. [short for earlier Shaking Quaker: so named because of trembling caused by emotional stress of devotions: see QUAKER] [S ] a member of a religious … English World dictionary
Shaker — (spr. Scheker, d.i. Schüttler, Springer), eine religiöse Secte in Nordamerika, welche ihre Entstehung den religiösen Erregungen in der Provence u. Dauphiné zu Anfang des 18. Jahrh. zuschreibt; von dort kamen 1716 einige der Propheten, welche die… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Shaker — Shak er, n. 1. A person or thing that shakes, or by means of which something is shaken. [1913 Webster] 2. One of a religious sect who do not marry, popularly so called from the movements of the members in dancing, which forms a part of their… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
shaker — (n.) mid 15c., one who or which shakes, aqgent noun from SHAKE (Cf. shake) (v.). Applied from 1640s (with capital initial) to various Christian sects whose devotional exercises often involved convulsions. The best known, the American based… … Etymology dictionary
shaker — /ˈʃe(i)ker, ingl. ˈʃeɪkə(r)/ [vc. ingl., propriamente «sbattitore», da to shake «scuotere»] s. m. inv. sbattighiaccio, agitatore, scuotitoio … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione
shaker — (izg. šèjker) m DEFINICIJA razg. posuda u kojoj se pripravlja shake ili koktel ETIMOLOGIJA vidi shake … Hrvatski jezični portal