- selection coefficient
- selection coefficient.См. коэффициент отбора.(Источник: «Англо-русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд-во ВНИРО, 1995 г.)
selection coefficient — n a measure of the disadvantage of a given gene or mutation that is usu. the frequency of individuals having the gene or mutation which fail to leave fertile offspring * * * a measure of the relative disadvantage in contribution to the next… … Medical dictionary
selection coefficient — ▪ genetics in genetics, a measure of the relative reduction in the contribution that a particular genotype (genetic composition) makes to the gametes (sex cells) as compared with another genotype in the population. It expresses the relative … Universalium
Selection coefficient — In population genetics, the selection coefficient is a measure of the relative fitness of a phenotype. Usually denoted by the letter s , it compares the fitness of a phenotype to another favoured phenotype, and is the proportional amount that the … Wikipedia
selection coefficient — atrankos koeficientas statusas T sritis augalininkystė apibrėžtis Dydis, rodantis kuri tam tikro genotipo dalis žuvo nepalikusi palikuonių. atitikmenys: angl. selection coefficient rus. коэффициент отбора … Žemės ūkio augalų selekcijos ir sėklininkystės terminų žodynas
selection coefficient — A measure of the intensity of selection at a locus, commonly abbreviated as s. It represents the proportionate reduction in the gametic contribution of a particular genotype, compared with the (generally most favoured) standard genotype … Glossary of Biotechnology
selection coefficient — noun : a measure of the survival value of a given gene or mutation by comparison of the growth rate of the experimental form with that of the wild type … Useful english dictionary
Selection de parentele — Sélection de parentèle Les mécanismes de l évolution biologique Mécanismes non aléatoires: sélection naturelle sélection utilitaire sélection sexuelle sélection de parentèle sélection de groupe … Wikipédia en Français
Coefficient diagram method — (CDM), developed and introduced by Prof. Shunji Manabe in 1991. CDM is an algebraic approach applied to a polynomial loop in the parameter space, where a special diagram called a coefficient diagram is used as the vehicle to carry the necessary… … Wikipedia
Coefficient of relationship — In population genetics, Sewall Wright s coefficient of relationship or coefficient of relatedness or relatedness or r is defined as 2 times the Coefficient of Inbreeding.[1] The Coefficient of Relatedness (or: coefficient of kinship) is defined… … Wikipedia
Sélection de parentèle — Les mécanismes de l évolution biologique Mécanismes non aléatoires : sélection naturelle sélection de survie sélection sexuelle sélection de parentèle sélection de groupe sélection s … Wikipédia en Français