- Schiff’s reagent
- Schiff’s reagent.См. реактив Шиффа.(Источник: «Англо-русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд-во ВНИРО, 1995 г.)
Schiff's reagent — /shifs rē āˈjənt/ noun A reagent for testing for the presence of aldehydes ORIGIN: Ety as for ↑Schiff base * * * Schiff s reagent «shihfs», = Schiff reagent. (Cf. ↑Schiff reagent) … Useful english dictionary
Schiff's reagent — shifs or Schiff reagent .shif n a solution of fuchsin decolorized by treatment with sulfur dioxide that gives a useful test for aldehydes because they restore the reddish violet color of the dye compare FEULGEN REACTION * * * aqueous fuchsin solu … Medical dictionary
Schiff's reagent — [shifs] n. Chem. a colorless solution of fuchsin and sulfurous acid used as a reagent to identify an aldehyde from a ketone from the shade of reddish purple produced, to stain DNA, etc. * * * … Universalium
Schiff's reagent — [shifs] n. Chem. a colorless solution of fuchsin and sulfurous acid used as a reagent to identify an aldehyde from a ketone from the shade of reddish purple produced, to stain DNA, etc … English World dictionary
Schiff's reagent — noun Etymology: Hugo Schiff died 1915 German chemist Date: 1897 a solution of fuchsine decolorized by treatment with sulfur dioxide that gives a useful test for aldehydes because they restore the dye s color called also Schiff reagent compare… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Schiff's reagent — See periodic acid Schiff reaction … Dictionary of molecular biology
Schiff's reagent — aqueous fuchsin solution decolourized with sulphur dioxide. A blue coloration develops in the presence of aldehydes. [Schiff (1834–1915), German chemist] … The new mediacal dictionary
Schiff'sreagent — Schiff s reagent (shĭfs) n. An aqueous solution of rosaniline and sulfurous acid used to test for the presence of aldehydes. [After HugoSchiff (1834 1915), German chemist.] * * * … Universalium
Schiff test — The Schiff test invented [ Eine neue Reihe organischen Diaminen H. Schiff Justus Liebigs Ann Chemie 140, 92 137 1866 ] and named after Hugo Schiff is a chemical test for the detection of aldehydes [ Histology, cell and tissue biology 5th Ed.,… … Wikipedia
schiff reagent — noun Usage: usually capitalized S : a solution of fuchsine decolorized by treatment with sulfur dioxide that gives a useful test for aldehydes because they restore the reddish violet color of the dye compare feulgen reaction * * * /shif/, Chem. a … Useful english dictionary