Rous sarcoma virus

Rous sarcoma virus
Rous sarcoma virus.
(Источник: «Англо-русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд-во ВНИРО, 1995 г.)


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Смотреть что такое "Rous sarcoma virus" в других словарях:

  • Rous sarcoma virus — n a single stranded RNA virus of the family Retroviridae (species Rous sarcoma virus of the genus Alpharetrovirus) that contains an oncogene causing Rous sarcoma * * * (RSV) a usually defective virus of the genus Alpharetrovirus that produces… …   Medical dictionary

  • Rous sarcoma virus — Taxobox name = PAGENAME virus group = vi familia = Retroviridae subfamilia = Orthoretrovirinae genus = Alpharetrovirus species = Rous sarcoma virus Rous sarcoma virus is a retrovirus and is the first oncovirus to have been described: it causes… …   Wikipedia

  • Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) primer binding site (PBS) — This family represents a structured region around the Rous sarcoma virus primer binding site (PBS). This region is known to be required for the efficient initiation of reverse transcription. [cite journal | last = Johnson | first = M | coauthors …   Wikipedia

  • Rous sarcoma virus — The virus responsible for the classic first cell free transmission of a solid tumour, the chicken sarcoma, first reported by Rous in 1911. An avian C type oncorna virus, original source of the src oncogene …   Dictionary of molecular biology

  • Rous-Sarkom-Virus — Systematik Reich: Viren Familie: Retroviridae Unterfamilien: Orthoretrovirinae Gattung: Alpharetrovirus …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Rous-associated virus — (RAV) a helper virus in whose presence a defective Rous sarcoma virus is able to form a protein coat …   Medical dictionary

  • Rous sarcoma — rau̇s n a readily transplantable malignant fibrosarcoma of chickens that is caused by the Rous sarcoma virus Rous Francis Peyton (1879 1970) American pathologist. Rous spent almost all of his career as a researcher at the Rockefeller Institute of …   Medical dictionary

  • sarcoma virus — Virus that causes tumours originating from cells of connective tissue such as fibroblasts. See Rous sarcoma virus, and src gene …   Dictionary of molecular biology

  • Rous sarcoma — noun Etymology: F. Peyton Rous died 1970 American physician Date: circa 1911 a sarcoma of chickens caused by a retrovirus (species Rous sarcoma virus of the genus Alpharetrovirus) …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • rous sarcoma — noun also rous sarcoma or rous s sarcoma ˈrau̇s(ə̇z) Usage: usually capitalized R Etymology: after F. Peyton Rous b1879 American physician : a readily transplantable malignant spindle cell sarcoma of chickens that is transmissible by cell free… …   Useful english dictionary

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