- riboflavin
- riboflavin.См. рибофлавин.(Источник: «Англо-русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд-во ВНИРО, 1995 г.)
Riboflavin — Riboflavin … Wikipedia
riboflavin — growth promoting substance known as vitamin B2, 1935, from Ger. Riboflavin (1935), from comb. form of RIBOSE (Cf. ribose) (q.v.) + flavin, from L. flavus yellow (see BLUE (Cf. blue)); so called from its color. Also sometimes known as lactoflavine … Etymology dictionary
Riboflavin — Riboflavin, Lactoflavin, zu den wasserlöslichen Vitaminen gehörendes, als Bestandteil von Flavinmononucleotid (FMN) und Flavinadenindinucleotid (FAD), den Coenzymen verschiedener Enzyme (⇒ Flavoproteine), wirkendes Vitamin. Es kommt besonders… … Deutsch wörterbuch der biologie
riboflavin — riboflàvīn m <G riboflavína> DEFINICIJA biol. kem. vitamin B2 (naziva se i vitamin G), nalazi se u jetrima, jajima, mlijeku, povrću i kvascu; laktoflavin ETIMOLOGIJA v … Hrvatski jezični portal
riboflavin — ► NOUN ▪ vitamin B2, a yellow compound essential for energy production and present especially in milk, liver, and green vegetables. ORIGIN from RIBOSE(Cf. ↑R) + Latin flavus yellow … English terms dictionary
riboflavin — [rī′bə flā΄vin] n. [ RIBO(SE) + FLAVIN] a yellow crystalline B vitamin, C17H20N4O6, found in milk, eggs, liver, kidney, fruits, leafy vegetables, yeast, etc.; vitamin B2: its deficiency in the diet causes stunted growth, loss of hair, etc.: also… … English World dictionary
Riboflavin — Strukturformel Allgemeines Trivialname Vitamin B2 … Deutsch Wikipedia
riboflavin — /ruy boh flay vin, ruy boh flay , beuh /, n. Biochem. a vitamin B complex factor appearing as an orange yellow, crystalline compound, C17H20N4O6, derived from ribose, essential for growth, found in milk, fresh meat, eggs, leafy vegetables, etc.,… … Universalium
Riboflavin — Vitamin B2; Lactoflavin * * * Ri|bo|fla|vin 〈[ vi:n] n. 11; unz.; Biochem.〉 gelber organischer Naturstoff, Faktor des Vitamin B2 Komplexes; Sy Laktoflavin [<Ribose + lat. flavus „gelb“] * * * Ri|bo|fla|vin [↑ … Universal-Lexikon
riboflavin — ri·bo·fla·vin .rī bə flā vən, rī bə . also ri·bo·fla·vine .vēn n a yellow crystalline compound C17H20N4O6 that is a growth promoting member of the vitamin B complex and occurs both free (as in milk) and combined (as in liver) called also… … Medical dictionary